Chapter 9: A Night to Remember

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The day started like any other for our favorite Nevermore students. The crazy movement last night exhausted the two girls thinking they could overpower Y/N until he fought back. Both Wednesday and Enid took longer to get up to start the day with Y/N exercised in the forest. By the time I got back, both girls were ready to get some food. Too bad I'm currently reeking of sweat, though Enid's eyes started to blur from the pheromones I'm exuding. I hopped in the shower and got cleaned and dressed before signalling the girls to grab some breakfast. After grabbing some breakfast, the whole school was told to gather in the Quad for some exciting announcements.

Wednesday casually bit into her croissant and said, "Will this announcement have anything to do with your proposal last night, Mon Cheri?" She looked towards me asking for confirmation.

"Indeed, Mi Cuervo. Principal Weems told me the news when both of you were bidding your families farewell," I replied while taking a sip of my coffee.

Enid cheerfully chimed in, "That's soooo nice of Principal Weems but how come she told you this news early?" She held a finger on her chin thinking why that is.

Enid cheerfully chimed in, "That's soooo nice of Principal Weems but how come she told you this news early?" She held a finger on her chin thinking why that is

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I looked surprised at Enid's question and so is Wednesday. I sighed and looked at both of them and replied, "This had something to do with a favour she asked of me. Don't worry I'll be explaining to you both what it is after today. I promise, my loves."

Wednesday looked at me curiously but gave up since I planned to explain later on. Enid, on the other hand, was a bit impatient and started to ask what the promise was frequently but I calmed her down with head pets and told her to be patient.

With all that said and done, the announcement was about to start when almost everyone in Nevermore had arrived in the Quad with Principal Weems heading to the front.

Principal Weems announced, "Greetings everyone, I am pleased to announce that our Annual Rave'n Dance will be held on the upcoming Saturday. The theme will be Winter Wonderland so ice and frosty wear are welcomed. I hope everyone will look forward to this year's Rave'n. Now please return to your classes now."

Everyone was excited for this dance since they could use this chance to ask their potential other half and may officially be together. The crowd of students were chattering everywhere talking about the Rave'n as they headed to class. On the far side of the Quad, Wednesday, Enid, and I were not too shocked by the news; courtesy of me. Both girls were also talking about the Rave'n but more on what to wear instead. Wednesday thought for a moment and remembered seeing a dress she adored on the window of Uriah's Heap while Enid already got something similar to the theme in her colourful closet. Wednesday also thought of her evil plan to cause mischief close to the ending of the dance.

"Perhaps hooking some pig's blood to the sprinkler system would be a nice addition and maybe Y/N will like the surprise," Wednesday thought.

While Wednesday was hatching a diabolical scheme, Enid on the other hand was scrambling for the best outfit in her mind. I was enjoying the sight of my two girls racking their brains out. I could tell Wednesday is up to no good but that makes her "Wednesday."

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