Chapter Forty-Four : New path

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(Y/n) has given his doppelganger a respectful burial to recognize and honor him. Kishibe helped them in renting a two-story apartment that is placed far away from where they used to stay, to allow them avoid the unpleasant memories that reside there. Denji and (Y/n) would have to temporarily share a room. One room is stored with their possessions and stuff like games consoles from their old apartment. They would also have bunk beds in their room. The apartment is simple with two bedrooms, one bathroom, one kitchen inside the living room.

 The apartment is simple with two bedrooms, one bathroom, one kitchen inside the living room

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The moonlight is now shining in the sky, along with scattered stars throughout. A calm and peaceful night sets in, the sounds of crickets coming from the bushes near the apartment fill the area with their chirping. Kishibe then proceeds to walk up the stairs leading to Denji and (Y/n)'s apartment, knocking gently on the door. Denji then opens the door for him and they both casually greet him "Good evening, Master" Denji spoke "Sup' pops" (Y/n) said in neutral tone of voice "Good evening" Kishibe merely responded with a curt nod in return "Cripes, my back is killin' me" Kishibe remark under his breath with dissatisfaction, feeling his back aching "You boys ready?" Kishibe asked "We both are" Denji responded casually, rubbing his shoulder as (Y/n) give Kishibe a nod as a response.

"You're both merely getting started. From now on, you two shall handle everything on your own. Innocent people are dying even as we speak. So I'd rather that both of you be prepared for barbarous devils that may show up wherever in public"

"However, the two of you cannot hasten your bodily functions" Kishibe remarked "Yeah, me and my lil bro will go at our own pace" Denji responded, giving him a slight nod in return "We'll fine, pops" (Y/n) assured his teacher with his stoic expression "Still, there is a possibility that the method you've chosen to use to kill her, will kill both of you in the process. So prepare for it" Kishibe advised, reminding the two brothers about the possible consequences.

"Hey, the original idea came from me and my lil brother. There is no need to worry because both of us are fully prepared for it" Denji addressed. Kishibe stares at the brothers, both of whom are still alive despite the horrific events that have occurred. Their willpower is tremendous, and they have managed to withstand each moment of it. Kishibe responded with a hmm and a single nod, recognizing their preparations.

"I'll return if the two of you managed to live" Kishibe informs them, holding the handle of the door before closing it. Just before it entirely closes shut, Kishibe stops in the middle and glances at them from the gap between the door "Boys, don't you die. Out of the devil hunters that I've met so far, both of you are the most suitable for this job" Kisihibe told them, before finally closing the door, exiting their apartment. 

"What's that about?" Denji commented, confused at Kisihibe's sentences before leaving them "We're good at our job" (Y/n) replied casually, as he side-glanced at his elder brother "Oohh" Denji nodded several times, indicating that he finally understood what his teacher meant all thanks to his younger brother's guidance.

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