Chapter Thirty-Nine : Stand-off

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Makima and her subordinates eyed (Y/n) as they remained in their position, Makima's grin widened as she beheld the fury and anguish radiating from (Y/n). The aura around him continued to swirl and crackle, his gaze hardened on the devil the more he looked at her, his emotions becoming uncontrollable as his heart pounded with rage the more he saw the devil who took away his sister's life from him.

Some of Makima's subordinates couldn't help but sneered as well, their mocking and scornful grin widening at the sight of the devastated and wrathful esper, the anger and anguish he exhibited being so intense it was as if he was an angry and temperamental child throwing a tantrum for losing a favourite toy.

His aura became more frantic due to his rage was increasing by the second along with the cracks beneath his eyelids grew slightly, with the vibrant aura of his wrath growing stronger and more fierce displaying in his aura.

"So that's the famous esper guy? He's just a brat! On our first mission, we had a fairly easy target" A man with long, black hair that reached his neck, scoffed "A prey cannot withstand the predators that have cornered it after all" A tall individual wearing a glasses, stood up and commented "How about we make this mission a competition; the first of us to defeat him gets to ask Miss Makima out on a date" He suggested.

"Ooh! Count me in because I'll be the first to ask her!" Violence bubbled with his usual tone sparkling with enthusiasm "Even if you get the chance, the only thing that awaits you is misery, so don't bother" A lady in her 20's with long orange hair scoffed at Violence's enthusiasm.

"Hmmm.. Everyone really loves Miss Makima, don't they?" Another tall man with long straight hair along with single strand astray above his right brow; remarked upon seeing his comrades' excitement on dating with Makima once their battle is over.

"Miss Makima is beautiful! Miss Makima is the best of all!" Beam marveled with a shout, followed by a wide grin as he jumped up and down from a surface, fist pumping over his head "Miss Makima is truly a savior of all..!" Long commented with a shy blush as she fidgeting her fingers "Of course she is! After all, she has saved our lives more times than we can count!" Among them, Mogaki the Katana hybrid, agreed with two fiends' compliments towards Makima they all loved.

"Sorry to break it to you, but she'll be bored when it comes to dating a male. Isn't that right, miss?" Reze chuckled, shooting a sweet glance towards Makima "Makima, just set them aside. I'll be the one to protect you with my life" Quanxi gently told the redhead as she wrapped her hands around Makima's hips, bringing her closer to her body.

"I like it. Whomever defeats my son gets a date with me" Makima smiled.

"Do all of you think this is a game?" (Y/n) let out a low yet powerful growl, scowling sternly at Makima's smug face "To think that all of these people giving you their compliments and lovey dovey towards you makes me wanna puke" (Y/n) hissed.

"Consider this, if you assist me in conquering Chainsaw Man, we'll be able to start a family. It's just you, me, and Chainsaw Man. I'll give you more than just a regular life; we'll have santuarcy and live peacefully together" Makima trying to convince her son to join her side. However, the stare he gave her was firm and filled with rage. The vivid image of Power's corpse stuffed into a gift box still appearing his thought, hearing her words only added fuel to his rage, veins bulging from his temple. His lips were pulled back in a snarl, as he clenched his fist, ready to fight

"Don't you remember our first encounter? You were wounded, weakened and at the verge of your death. I lend you a hand and provide you my undying love. Now we're finally reunited, I've missed you so much, and I promise I'll never leave you again" Makima smiled, in her eyes, she was speaking directly towards Lucifer residing within (Y/n).

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