Chapter Thirty-four : Contract

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In the morning, Aki was fully dressed in his suit and ready for work. At the same time, (Y/n), his hair ruffled and face still partly asleep, walked to the kitchen counter to grab a glass of water "(Y/n)?" Aki called for him, earning a slight nod from the said boy "Mm?" (Y/n) rubbed his groggily eyes.

"Just letting you know that I'm leaving to work right now. So don't get so comfy that you sleep in again" Aki scolded "Buzz off, it's still morning.." (Y/n) said sleepily, his face wrinkles in slight of contempt.

"It's already 10AM, (Y/n)" Aki reminded, earning a grunt from him "It's not like I'm in a school or something.. chill out.." (Y/n) yawned once more before sipping the glass of water. 

"Regardless, you should've refresh yourself, sleeping until afternoon is not good for your health" Aki reprimands him. (Y/n) sighed in exasperation, but complied with a small salute "Yes, doctor" he replied, accepting Aki's orders with a small touch of sarcasm.

As (Y/n) gave his answer, Aki let out a small sigh, probably disappointed with the lack of enthusiasm "I made some food in the freezer, you guys can heat it up later" Aki informed.

(Y/n) just gave him a thumbsup in acknowledgement "yessir" he said sleepily as though he was still half-asleep, like some kind of tipsy fellow.

"Alright. I'll be back in evening, so hang tight until then. Don't forget to feed the Meowy as well" Aki told him.

"No problem, Aki. You be careful out there, and don't forget to eat while you're at work! We'll take care of everything around here!" (Y/n) beamed. Despite his sleepy state, the boy managed to give Aki his signature bright toothy smile.

Aki's lips formed a small smile as he stepped out of the door and closed it behind him. 

The last thing that Aki saw before he closed the door was (Y/n)'s smile.


Aki paid a visit to the angel devil in the public safety facility. He told the angel devil all about his vision from yesterday and also what the future devil had told him. As the angel devil listened to him, his eyes narrowed with suspicion. 

The angel devil was not sure how to respond to this, as this was the first time he had been informed of impending doom. The angel devil remained on his bed, ponderingly, as Aki finished speaking.

"I see.." Angel mumbled "You will be killed by Esper boy, and the blood fiend will be killed by chainsaw.." He said casually "..An inevitable future that cannot be altered" He mumbled once more, processing what Aki had told him.

"So? What do you want me to do about it? It's not like I can travel through time and warned everyone about it like a madman, I have limits you know" Angel remarked with sarcasm, finding Aki were overestimating his ability a little too much.

"You are mistaken. The reason why I'm here is because of after my death" Aki responded, which made Angel's eyebrow to rise "After your death?" Angel repeated, confused by his statement.

"You'll likely be alone on some missions from now on, but I highly recommend partnering up with (Y/n) for those. He can take care of himself, and will be able to watch your back. Just.. don't be so cold on him" Aki addressed. Upon hearing (Y/n)'s name being mentioned, made Angel's eyes brighten a little more. He recognized the name and was pleased about it.

"I understand. I'll consider partnering with (Y/n). Thank you for the advice I suppose" Angel responded as he understandingly nodded his head. 

"It's kind of unusual of you. I've heard from few tenants in this facility that Aki Hayakawa is public safety's number one devil-hater. I guess genuine demeanor is different from what they portray" Angel remarked.

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