Chapter Twenty-Nine : Left-Right Goodnight

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"It seems that another one of her dogs was interrupting.." Santa's voice rang out from the darkness on the ground floor of the department store building. Her body was terribly torn by (Y/n's) assault, but due to the darkness that surrounding her, her mutilated body reverted to normal in just a few seconds.

"The darkness devil's flesh is truly magnificent.." She grinned upon seeing her body were healed in blink of an eye.

[Progress towards your explosion : 38%]

"YO! (Y/N)! IS THAT YOU?!?" (Y/n)'s predatory stare turned upward, to his elder brother, who was peering at the roof floor crater. (Y/n) flew higher till he reached the rooftop, where he spotted his comatose teammates. There he saw, sleeping Power and Angel, including Makima, who had a slash cut on her palm, as well as Denji in his devil form.

"Was that you who attacked her just now?" Denji questioned, Denji was taken aback by his younger brother's speed; it was so swift that Denji and Makima couldn't detect him "Obviously duh" (Y/n) replied with his eyes rolled.

"How's everyone?" (Y/n) asked, still levitating in the air, his (f/c) aura flashed brightly, and his hair was blowing in the breeze "They just unconscious, what's more important now is gotta beat the living shit of that demonic chick!" Denji responded, pulling his cord to boost the speed of his chainsaw blades. (Y/n) glad to see Aki, Power and Angel is safe and sound.

"Fine by me-" As soon as (Y/n)'s eyes detected the wound on Makima's palm, he rushed in her way and floated low in front of her. "Are you alright miss? Did that crazy woman inflict any heavy wound on you?" (Y/n) questioned her.

In response, Makima shook her head whilst wearing her usual smile "Don't worry about me dear, it just a scratch" Makima replied "I don't think that open wound on your palm is merely a scratch, miss.." (Y/n) retorted.

Makima smiled at him again, reaching out her free hand and holding his hand before giving him a reassuring squeeze "Please don't let my condition concerned you my dear, to me, this is nothing but a fixable wound. It's nothing serious" Makima explained "The wound on my palm is nothing compared what you've endured, (Y/n)" Makima pointed the scars on (Y/n)'s bare torso.

(Y/n) was first confused, but as soon as he shifted his gaze to his naked torso, his eyes widened in extreme disbelief upon discovering numerous scars adorning his torso. When Denji realized that too, he flinched in horror.

"Woah! How'd you get that many scars, bro?!" Denji asked, concerned about his little brother's whole being upon witnessing the scars on his body "I.. I didn't know.. Maybe I get these scars after our battle with that katana dude?" (Y/n) speculated, his hands caressing the scars and examine it.

Denji remain quiet as he continue to stare at (Y/n)'s scars, he froze in his tracks as his eyes fell upon the slash scars on his brother's body, the sight sending a shockwave through his very being. (Y/n), his little brother, who had gone through so much, resembled a soldier who had survived multiple wars, and this image would forever be etched into his mind.

Denji returned to his senses as soon as (Y/n) directed his hand in Makima's direction. He sent part of his psychic energy toward Makima; it didn't totally cure her, but it was enough to stop the bleeding from her wound from continuing to flow.

"Now boys, my condition is merely a hindrance, I suggest you two to hunt down Santa before she could wreck havoc further" Makima told them, smiling normally as if her wound aren't effecting her.

"Will do, Miss" (Y/n) Nodded his head towards her "You got it, Miss Makima!" Denji gave her a salute and the two brothers began to approach the open crater.

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