Chapter Thirteen : Payback!

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"I think they live around here..." Kishibe muttered as he walked in the corridor of the apartment building, currently at 3rd floor. He's completely unaware that the trio is came up with a plan to defeat him "The scent of this blood.. the old drunk's has arrived.." Power announced, she had a messy ponytail with long bangs, a hairstyle (Y/n) made for her. Not only that, the trio is wearing a pair of glasses to make themselves to look very brilliant. (Y/n)'s hair spiked up with one strand astray on the side of his forehead, looking majestic as ever. Denji only wearing a glasses, he doesn't need any stylish hairstyle because his current hairstyle is already perfect "If someone trying to ruin our lives.. They'll die" Denji declared, clenching his black hatchet axe he always carry "And suffer the consequences.." (Y/n) added, holding a new baseball bat. It has 'KILL' logo on it, the color of the bat is black meanwhile the logo's color are red.

"It's time to start our super-genius strategy!!" Power smirked, taking a marvelous pose. The two brothers brace themselves for a fight, their weapons in hand, ready to attack an elderly man to a bloody pulp.

Just about Kishibe's hand about to grab the door, he suddenly leans back, dodging the blood spear that suddenly pierce through the door, aiming to his brain "A weapon of blood, huh? And was directed at my skull" Kishibe muttered as be breaks the spear to use it as a spare weapon "So it's an ambush, then. I guess the idea is they became a hunter this time.." Kishibe muttered. Inside the apartment, Power points her finger down. Few blood spears puncture the ceiling above the old man, but he easily avoids them and crushes it with his fists. The elderly man's gaze is drawn to a shadow at the entrance, a shadow of a teenager cocking their weapon in preparation to assault him from behind. Kishibe noticed it and instantly delivered a reverse roundhouse kick to the teen's face. A actual shadow of Denji being crushed by his kick caused his eyes to widen significantly. The shadow then explodes into black mists, engulfing the elderly man's surroundings and making it impossible for him to notice any attack.

"A clone eh?" Kishibe acknowledge. The dark mist hangs in the air, Kishibe remain motionless. As soon as the actual Denji emerged from the fog, the old man was able to block his axe with his spear. Kishibe used his wrist to block a black bat that was swinging towards his temple, and he used the spear he had previously grabbed to stop Denji's axe from landing on him. The elderly man stood between the two brothers and received a glare from them. The two brothers staggered back after being shoved away by Kishibe at the same moment, only to be struck with a split kick to the face that sent them flying out into the distance.

The mist does not remain long, dissipating after 4 seconds. The old guy brushed the dust off his coat. Denji stands up and sprints with his axe towards Kishibe's location. The two of them collided their weapons, the sheer force of their collisions producing sparkles of light. Denji fiercely swung his axe towards Kishibe, attempting to land a single slice on him. Kishibe deflected every attack thrown at him without breaking a sweat.

Denji noticed an opportunity and instantly attempted to slice Kishibe's chest with a downward strike, which the old man easily stopped his axe's movement with his spear. Denji coughed up a few drops of blood after Kishibe's knees ambushed his chin, causing him to fly back and slam into the solid ground. (Y/n)'s quick footsteps echoed behind the old man. Kishibe's ear picked up on this and he twisted around, blocking (Y/n)'s metal bat with his forearm in the process. Kishibe chops (Y/n)'s hand, maximizing his strength forcing the psychic teen to let go of his weapon due to the pain. When Kishibe launched a right hook at (Y/n), (Y/n) surprisingly blocked it with his wrist with incredible speed, which caused Kishibe's eyes to widen a little. Before Kishibe had a chance to make a move, (Y/n) hit a straight headbutt on him. Kishibe stumbles back and holds his nose , his head lowers a little.

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