Chapter ??? : Forsaken

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A god, the creator of all, has a son.

His son was loved by many. Devils, angels and so on.

his appearance is a devil but has a heart of an angel.

His son however, is not a devil or an angel.

rather, he's the first unique being that were created by god, His uniqueness is admired by all.

His kindness, his ambitions, his dreams.

They admired him, as if he's the another god.


However, few decades past by, Hate, rage, dread and sorrow starting to exist in each of God's creations.

His son, grew stronger by these feelings.

Many years later, His creations starting to form a war on their own kind, Humans, Devils.

 Angels is an exception but they are included indeed, their powers has corrupted them and stating that every being with a dirty sin has to be erased.

The god, the one who created his son, feared what'll happen.

His son grew stronger as these feelings remain intact in his creations.

Feeding his son an overwhelming power, giving him a chance to cause a mass destruction.

Then it occurs to him, perhaps he made a grave mistake by creating ▇▇▇.

His son are the embodiment of those corrupted feelings, grew stronger as it spreads to his creations like a mass virus.

Fearing for the worst, God has banished his own son to nothingness, trapped him in there for eternity.

In the nothingness, exist nothing but a white void. Not a single living soul could be seen within it.

A perfect prison for his son.

The devils and angels, all who admired his son, utterly baffled at god's action.

Banishing his own son to rot in nothingness.

However, they only accept it with a heavy heart, knowing they won't see ▇▇▇'s face again


His son however, understand his father's action towards him.

He didn't want to have a grudge or revenge to the creator who brought him to life.

He only sat in nothingness.

He only sat in nothingness

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