Chapter Three: Bitter

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The two brothers sat the back of the car, along with red haired lady. (Y/n) still remained sleep, his head is leaning against the lady's shoulder while the said lady had her eyes glued on the window, her eyes peering at the natures as the car drove by.

She turns her head to the side, glancing at Deji after hearing his stomach begs for food "Sorry, It's my stomach.." Denji apologized as he held his belly. The red haired lady only placed her hand under her chin while smiling at the blonde as (Y/n) sleeping peacefully against her shoulder "May I know your names?" She asked politely.

Denji's eyes lights up and his lips curled into a smile "It's Denji!" He replied, maintaining an eye contact with her "And that's (Y/n), he's my younger brother" Denji also introduced (Y/n) towards her, patting his shoulder "Are you two blood related?" She questioned, genuinely intrigued in them "Yeah! The reason why younger brother's hair is black because he inherit it from my mom" Denji explained "I see.. You're blonde because you inherit your father's hair, correct?" She guessed, earning a nods from Denji "Yeah!" The blonde replied.

Then, the red haired lady lay her eyes on (Y/n), who peacefully sleeping on her shoulder "I wonder.. How could a small boy like him can cause so much a disaster?" She ponder with her narrowed eyes before gaze back at Denji "What devil he made a contract with?" She asked Denji, the said boy went tense and rubbed his nape nervously "Well.. he.. didn't make a contract with any devil in perticular.." Denji spoke, quite nervous to tell that (Y/n) is born with supernatural powers "Oh? Then, how come he able to wreak a havoc immensely?" She questioned, curious how (Y/n) able to create an earthquake, almost tearing up all the crust on the earth and able to levitate almost everything around him.

"Um.. My younger brother is... He's uh.." Denji stammered, afraid to tell the truth towards the pretty lady he just met "Go on, You tell me anything. Your secret safe with me" She assures. Denji's nervousness died once he heard that words from her lips "My younger brother was born with supernatural powers, As long as I remember, he trained himself to control it and help me paying our debts.. I didn't realize, he can be so dangerous after what I've seen he's capable of.." Denji explained.

The red haired lady seemingly taking interest in this by just looking in her eyes "He was able to create a disaster and wreak havoc with ease, how are you not convinced that.. he's huge a threat to the humanity?" She remarked as her hand rubbing (Y/n)'s hair like a pet dog, Once Denji heard that, He flinches and his eyes widen "What?! He's not!" Denji denied "Hm?" The red haired lady tilt her head to the side in curiousity.

"I saw him got possess by something back at the warehouse! Something that.. controls my younger brother's body to mess everything up!" Denji explained, not wanting the whole world sees his younger brother as a monster that will destroy everything in his's path "Something... I presume a devil has been possessing him?" The red haired lady guessed "No..! It doesn't look like a devil or anything like that" Denji's gaze lowered in fear, seeing flashback of (Y/n)'s white glowing eyes stares at him "Then? What could it be?" The red haired lady smiled.

Denji jolted and returned his gaze back at her "U-Um.. I don't know honestly.." Denji muttered. Silence filled the air for a brief moment before the pretty lady spoke once again "Does your brother can float things?" She asked Denji, who caught off guard by her question "Uh.. Yeah!" Denji responded "Can he fly around and throwing heavy objects with his powers?" She asked more, Denji's eyes widen after she guess is correct "Yeah.. How'd you know that?" Denji replied before asking.

The pretty lady's smile grew a little "You see, Denji.. Your little brother is an Esper, He's one of the supernatural individuals that was blessed with psychic powers since birth, each type of them had special powers of their own" She explained "Esper? There are people out there just like my little brother?" Denji questions as he lay his eyes towards the sleeping (Y/n) "Indeed, Denji. People like your little brother is very rare in this world and very, very, interesting i must say" She responded.

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