Lori looked over to Dale who came up with that lie for her daughter. "I don't remember her in there." Glenn groaned a little Jacqui rubbing his back trying to make him feel better.

"You don't 'member a lot do ya?" Dale joked patting the young man's shoulder as he moaned shaking his head and moving out of Dale's clutch.

When Natalie had left the room and went down to the kitchen area where everyone was going. Glenn had his head down seeming to be contemplating the events of last night. Rick followed her walking into the room with furrowed eyebrows.

Natalie quickly noticed him with Lori watching her daughter closely. "There's food over there" Dale pointed to the left for Natalie to see the eggs and bacon that were made by Jacqui.

"Please" She pleaded to shuffle trying not to make any big movements since her body was sore in the baggy clothes that she was now wearing.

"Iris are you Hungover." Carl was asking every adult who walked through the door.

Natalie hummed not even caring that her younger brother was asking this while she was lazily putting pieces of bacon on her plate. "You okay?" Rick noticed that she wasn't moving around like normal being more to herself.

"Yeah" Her voice roughly came out before clearing her throat with orange juice.

Going over she had kissed Glenn on the head since it seemed like he needed it sitting next to the boy around her age she grew comfortable with.

"Hey," Shane's voice grabbed Natalie.

"Needed that," Glenn grumbled holding his hat down and hiding his face. Shane glanced over to her as she rolled her eyes knowing it was more of a comforting kiss on the head than anything. "Never again..."

"We both should agree to that." Natalie clinked her orange juice with his.

Rick turned to the sound of Shane, "Hey" He was the only one who answered the man dressed in a tan button-up and his normal cop pants. "Feel as bad as I do?" Chuckling towards his best friend and how stiff he was walking.

"Worse" Muttering under his voice pouring himself some orange juice.

Lori had waited a second eyeing Natalie who didn't look at her mother back. "You stay with Glenn last night?" Rick questioned the dirty blonde as she hummed shaking her head.

"Ethan..." Retorting whatever Dale had tried to convince Rick. But she knew Shane needed some kind of cover-up for when Ethan came down to join the group and he owed her one. "He hurt himself, it was just sleep" Reassuring him as she felt Rick's gaze turn into a glare. "Just sleep." Nodding into her orange juice. "Trust."

"I do" Rick nodded.

T-Dog saw the side of Shane's neck where nail scratches lay trailing to the back of his neck. "What the hell happened to you?" Furrowing his eyebrows confused at the question. "Your neck."

Putting his fingers up to it, he felt the scratches Natalie had left behind. "Must've done it in my sleep" He commented. Lori looked down in disgust biting onto her lip with Dale eyeing this.

"Never seen you do that before." Commenting from the other end of the table. Natalie continued to drink her orange juice, just using it to cover a laugh that was trying to come up.

"Me neither," Shane said into his cup eyeing Natalie as the girl looked at him biting onto the bottom of her lips and pursing them. "Not like me at all." Trailing his eyes to Lori which Natalie had noticed.

Glenn placed his head on Natalie's shoulder now tired. "How are you eating." He questioned shyly but comfortably.

"Fuck knows." Natalie shrugged her shoulders causing Glenn to moan. "Sorry" Holding the side of his face since she just moved him a lot. Shane eyed the two shifting in his seat.

western nights ( shane walsh )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें