Experiment Log #2

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Experiment: 020

Codename: Slick

Description: Slick is a fast-talking, pink doglike experiment with a smaller face, a purple nose, and two black eyes. He wears a straw boater hat and bow tie, carries a cane, and speaks in the manner of a Southern-accented salesperson who never turns down a customer.

Abilities: Sales

Notes: not hostile, but a little tricky to deal with. He is fully sentient and has intelligence akin to a human. His purpose is to sell things, and like Felix, will sell literally anything. He has yet to fail to sell something. He now works as an auctioneer on HEROES island
Experiment: 022

Codename: HertzDonut

Description: Hertz Donut is a green seahorse-like experiment with bright purple eyes, a donut-like mouth, six ears, and a long curling antenna winding behind his head.

Abilities: Energy Construct Donuts

Notes: can project a donut shaped energy construct to restrain people. Rather than walking, he hops. He now works as part of the security team that patrols HEROES island.
Experiment: 025

Codename: StarLight

Description: Topper is a small yellow-orange star-shaped creature with a little white-tipped antenna on his head, small dark blue eyes, a thin mouth, white-tipped limbs and a white marking on his belly.

Abilities: Light

Notes: he is extremely bright when using his ability. It is so bright that it is visible from space, and was intended to be used to alert alien forces to attack. With a little reprogramming from Jumba, he could now control how bright his light was. He is now used to provide light during emergency situations in dark areas. But he lives with Nani when he's not working.
Experiment: 031

Codename: Gotchu

Description: Gotchu is an orange lobster-like experiment with black eyes, a purple nose, a red belly and four arms ended with pincers.

Abilities: Pincers

Notes: rather hard to reform due to his habit of punching everyone over and over and over again. It was only when they started to pinch back that he finally began to learn. He now lives with Nani.
Experiment: 032

Codename: Fibber

Description: Fibber is a small orange experiment with small body, arms and legs, a very large head with a dark orange marking on the forehead that glows bright yellow whenever he beeps, little antennae, a little mouth with a purple tongue, a round crimson nose, black-blue eyes, and four ears.

Abilities: Lie Detection

Notes: very easy to get along with, as long as you don't tell a single lie. Even the smallest of white lies can't make it past him. He works with law enforcement to ensure criminals tell the truth. He also has several bodyguards to protect him from anyone who doesn't want their secrets getting out.
Experiment: 033

Codename: HammerFace

Description: Hammerface is a blue-grey dinosaur-like experiment with a hammer-shaped head/face, short forearms, small black eyes, and a thick tail and legs. He has claws all over his limbs and very sharp teeth.

Abilities: Hammer

Notes: one of the experiments Jumba created to help him complete simple tasks. Aside from enjoying a few hobbies, his main purpose is to help in construction and repairs around HEROES island.
Experiment: 036

Codename: Poke

Description: Poki is a small yellow and brown opossum-like experiment with a spiked tail.

Abilities: Prehensile Tail

Note: Was meant to poke holes in water containers. Obviously this isn't something that they could encourage or use to help the world, so he was sent to live with Nani and is available for adoption.

Reincarnated in Star Vs The Forces of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now