The Future of Mewni - Part 4: Supply & Demand

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The people of Mewni had been through the most confusing week of their lives. There were now not one, but two queens, a secondary king, as well as a new half monster princess.

On top of that, the last several generations of Butterflies had been total frauds. This alone caused a divide among the people. Some were loyal to the Butterfly lineage, others were only loyal to Moon. This divide did cause arguments, but that's all it was. The Council meant everyone got a voice.

And with time, it was even possible that other kingdoms would create an even larger council to manage all of Mewni.

Of course, there were those who found this whole situation ridiculous. Four rulers instead of one? It was unheard of! Not to mention, one was a monster lover and the other was half monster.

And there were those who found it amazing. Especially the newer generation of monsters. With Aster's androids, they could enter human towns and the androids would do what they could to protect them from discrimination.
"This is too much does anyone handle all of this?" - Aster

He complained while looking over the mountain of paperwork on his desk in Butterfly Castle. The paperwork ranged from small things to big problems they were facing. Such as territory disputes and food distribution problems.

The food in the kingdom had been increased according to the population. But with the sudden influx of monsters, they were facing all kinds of problems.

There weren't enough jobs for everyone, not enough homes, not enough food, and the prices were rising now that things had become more scarce.

Moon was already struggling with dealing with the political side of things. A third of the nobles wanted to revolt against the council, a third was only loyal to Moon, and another third didn't know why they should listen to her if she wasn't even a royal. The last few were neutral and were smart enough to sit back and watch how this plays out before deciding.

Eclipsa was handling everything related to law and justice. While Meteora had begun taking classes to learn to manage her future kingdom.

Which left Aster to handle this mess...

Supply and demand was the biggest problem. He needed to increase production to meet the needs of the people.

If they traded with other kingdoms, they'd have funds to pay workers as well as start construction on new homes and even monster-Mewman to monster exclusive towns.

But what kind of product did they have to bring in that kind of money...

'...oh, shit.' - A

He immediately opened up a portal to the Lab and super sped his way through the halls until he found her working away in her private lab.

"Emerald!" - A

Emerald flinched a bit, turning around with a startled expression.

"Yes...?" - Emerald

"What're our potion production levels at?" - A

"Ah, well-" - Emerald

She filled him in on everything. Aster had practically forgotten about the fact he helped created a potion business. And now, it was among the biggest businesses in the Butterfly Kingdom.

They had increased their potion types from medicinal to crop growth accelerators and even beauty potions.

"Why haven't we begun trading with other kingdoms?" - A

He asked in confusion. With all their potions, they'd have made a killing with trading.

"You never authorized it, sir." - Emerald

Reincarnated in Star Vs The Forces of Evilحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن