Unveil To Me What Is Forbidden

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"BonBon?" - J

She said excitedly.

"You came back!" - J

The clown stepped closer to the light, revealing himself. It was none other than...


"Oh, man...that explosion really did a number on your face..." - J

Ludo laughed maniacally. His pets, spider and eagle, came out from behind the tombstone, prepared for a fight.

"Ludo, this is really not the time." - A

He said. He knew that if he got into a fight right now, his anger would effect his ability to control his magic properly. He didn't want to hurt Ludo. He just...

He just wanted someone to feel his pain...

"Did ya miss me, little prince?!" - Ludo

He said before firing off his own wand at Aster, initiating a magic fight.
(Marco POV)

Marco groaned as he got up and then helped Jackie stand. She patted off her dress.

"Are you okay? Nothing broken?" - M

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's just a little weird, I haven't ate it like that in ages..." - JL

She said before looking down to see her and Marco holding hands. She smiled, and he smiled back at her.

"Ya know...I'm really glad I asked you out. I had a lot of fun." - JL

She said, using her thumb to rub his hand.

"Me too...Maybe next time, I'll ask you out?" - M

She nodded before starting to lean in. He gulped a little but leaned in as well. He was nervous as all hell, but...

He needed to stop thinking and just act.

Their lips connected and everything felt...perfect. At least it did, until he noticed the night of the blood moon shining down on him and Jackie.

He pulled away to look at the blood moon, but the moment he blinked, it was back to normal.

'What the...' - M

"Marco? Everything okay?" - JL

She asked, still blushing but also a little worried that she did something wrong during the kiss.

"Uh, yeah. For sure. It's better than okay, actually." - M

He smiled as they continued to hold hands and walked back to the bench. Marco checked his phone that he left on the bench, which had miraculously not been stolen by anyone, and noticed he had a missed call.

Marco felt a little guilty but figured Aster wouldn't mind. He decided to make the best of it.

"Wanna continued his date at a dead clown seance?" - M

"Sure." - JL

She smiled.
(Aster POV)

"Crystal Hurricane!" - A

He said as he blasted shards of sharp crystals at Ludo and his pets. Eagle picked up Ludo and flew out of the way. Ludo began to blast his corrupted magic at Aster again, each blast more destructive than the last.

"Multi-Cast! Shooting Star Blast!" - A

He said as multiple energy blasts fired at Ludo. He was able to miss them, but Eagle wasn't so luckily and went falling to the ground. Aster then got shoved into the ground by Spider.

"Hallucination Mist!" - A

He blasted Spider right in the face, trapping them in a hallucination for a while. He shoved them off and jumped right back into the fray.

"You can't beat me, Ludo!" - A

He said as he was faced with an army of large rats.

"Ghost Pirate Army!" - A

He said as the ground cracked open, releasing a horde of ghostly pirates that began to get into a bloody brawl with the rats. Ludo continued blasting at Aster, being forced to move back.

But his blasts did manage to damage the graveyard around them severely, not that Aster cared anymore. He just wanted Ludo to understand that Aster wasn't fucking around anymore. He finally managed to pin Ludo down and aimed his wand at him.

"Incineration Laser." - A

He said as a blood red laser began charging up from his wand, his cheeks glowing as well, and making Ludo start to cower and beg for his life.

"Aster?..." - M

Aster looked up to see Marco and Jackie.

"..." - A

His resolve weakened as the laser began to fade, no longer fueled by his rage. Unaware to anyone but Janna, BonBon had successfully returned.

"I'm back! Just like my candles-!...oh, geez. What happened here?" - BB

He said as he saw the pure destruction around them. Ludo took the chance to blast Aster away, separating him and the wand. Marco and Janna went to help but got interrupted by Eagle and Spider.

Ludo approached Aster, who was now bleeding and very hurt.

"Eagle! Fetch!" - Ludo

Aster expected him to go for the wand, but instead he went for...

"The Book of Spells? Why would you even want that?" - A

He said in confusion.

"Well, I do need to learn how to use my new magic. And it's not like you're going to use it." - L

He aimed his wand at Aster again. Aster noticed Janna's cake close to him.

"Eat shit!" - A

He said as he grabbed a handful and shoved it into Ludo's face. He gagged as he moved back, giving Aster time to start limping away, towards his wand.

"Let's go! We have what we want!" - L

He said as Ludo, Spider, Eagle, and the rats all retreated with the book. Aster watched them with a look of horror.

Not just because he lost Glossaryck, but because he'd been so willing to kill, just because he lost control...

"Wow, this place is a wreck! But this has definitely been the best date I've ever been on." - JL

She said as she and Marco laughed a little while holding hands again. Aster watched them before looking away.

"Are you okay?" - M

Marco said as he came over to Aster.

"Um...I...I-I don't know...I mean, I nearly killed someone, and I destroyed a graveyard, and I lost one of the most valuable heirlooms in my family!" - A

He said while laughing like it was hilarious before dissolving into crying. Marco hugged him and let Aster cry it out.

The wand had been broken in Aster's possession, and now the book was stolen.

He really was a failure...

Reincarnated in Star Vs The Forces of EvilOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant