The Mind Warp - Part 3: Win or Lose

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The following day, Ron and Kim spent the entire morning rehearsing in the gym so Ron doesn't get Kim kicked off the team. He started to feel the pressure of getting every move right, having a team depend on him, and being the reason they win or lose at Regionals.

And at lunch, Kim got her ass kicked by a bunch of bullies during lunch. She wasn't in her usually agile body, and had no muscle memory. So she barely stood a chance. There were also people being either ignoring or hating him, with no in between. There was literally a hallway in the school Ron couldn't pass through because the bullies there would charge him every time he tried.

So when they finally met up with Caster at Kim's locker, he grinned.

"I assume you two finally see it ain't so easy being the other person?" - C

"On the contrary, the low expectations were nice." - K

"Yeah, being popular rules." - R

They insisted. Caster just sighed. He'd have to let them sort this out on their own...
This year's regionals match was against Middleton's rival school, EastHill. Caster showed up to be supportive and Kim was there to make sure Ron didn't accidentally flash anyone.

Caster even had to take the Communicator away from Kim because she kept calling Wade to check if he'd found Drakken. When the performance finally started though, Kim's worst fears came true as Ron made a fool of her and nearly ruined the whole performance until she pushed him out of the way and took over.

And while she did perform well, their team was disqualified because Ron wasn't part of the team. Kim was devastated. But rather than being mad at Ron, she was furious with Drakken.

So when Wade finally got a hit, she insisted they pay him a visit despite it already being night. So they grabbed Cleotus and made their way into his new lair was easy. He'd left the door unlocked.

"Ron, distraction. Me and Caster will take Drakken and Shego. Cleotus, you disarm the Neutronalizer." - K

She said while they snuck around.

"Miss Possible, hate to tell ya, but I have no idea how to operate the darn thing. I just guarded it." - Cleotus

"Fine, whatever, just get me to the machines and I can get them out of here. But we're gonna need Drakken too." - C

He then briefly explained the plan, and the group split up.
Drakken was angrily pacing in his lab. Not only had Kim Possible taken his body, but the US Government hadn't taken his threats seriously when he ordered them to declare him as the new president, or face the Neutronalizer.

"Well, then, they leave me with no choice. I'm sure they won't miss Paris." - Drakken

He said as he started to set up the Neutronalizer as Shego came in with not one, not two, but three captives. Kim, Ron, and Cleotus.

"Caught these three sneaking around, Dr. D." - Shego

She threw the three to the ground.

"Excellent! Fire up the machine!" - Drakken

He ordered as his goons turned on the brain swapper. Drakken got in one seat and Shego dragged Cleotus into the other one. The machine came to life and the two men were shocked with electricity for a few moments before the process was complete.

Drakken got up, now comfortably back in his body.

"Finally!" - Drakken

"Yeah, about time. Your body itches somethin' awful!" - Cleotus

Drakken frowned but ignored him. He then looked to Kim and Ron, who were oddly quiet.

"Where's the other one? The blonde one." - Drakken

"Wasn't with them." - Shego

"What?" - Drakken

He said in confusion, he looked towards the Neutronalizer and realized it was gone. The mind swapped vanished next as Caster teleported it away.

"Good luck with the military!" - C

He shouted as he grabbed Cleotus, Kim, and Ron and teleported them all home right as the US military began to raid the building. Drakken was filled with rage but he and Shego had no choice but to run and try to escape, abandoning their new lair.
Kim, Ron, and Cleotus arrived in Section Thirteen where both the brain swapped and the Neutronalizer were waiting.

"We really pulled that off!" - R

"Not a lot of ways you can defend against a teleporter." - A

He said as he helped untie Kim and Ron. He called Kepler to help set up and use the Brain Swapper to help Kim and Ron get back to normal.

With that done, he sent Cleotus and the Neutronalizer home. He wished he'd been able to learn more about what it could do or how it worked, but something that important was out of even Captain Black's hands. Though Cleotus was very grateful and promised to give glowing reviews of both Team Possible and Section Thirteen.
The team finally returned home and had a nice day of rest. The following day at school, Caster talked to the two of them.

"Are you two ready to apologize to each other?" - C

"...okay, okay! Being popular is nice, but Kim's life is really hard! I couldn't even get to the bathroom without someone needing something." - R

"Yeah, being picked on and being helpless was horrible..." - K

"Great! Im glad you two could come to an understanding. Now, Kim, I get you love helping but you have to learn how to limit yourself. Plus, it gives you more free time for yourself. And Ron, I'll tell Agent Tag to increase your training and add martial arts training. You need to toughen up." - C

The two both wanted to protest, but it didn't really sound so bad. If Ron could defend himself, Kim wouldn't worry about him so much and he'd be picked on less. Maybe with a few courses on how to treat women with respect, he'd actually be popular.

As for Kim, she put way too much pressure on herself. It was good that she wanted to help, but her own mental health was just as important.

And finally, Caster. He was happy with just having a new toy, the Brain Swapper.

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