The Second Talisman - Part 1: Mexico

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Aster, Jade, and Jackie were currently making their way up an ancient temple in Mexico. Jade and Jackie were both exhausted while Aster simply summoned a cloud to carry him.

"Why would a Chinese talisman even be in Mexico?" - JC

"They did say that the talismans were scattered across the four corners of the Earth." - A

He said as they finally reached the top. JC pulled out a map for the inside of the temple and began to take the lead.

"Lumos." - A

His wand began to glow and light up the room around them. The temple was very old, and covered in layers of dirt. Clearly nobody had been here in a very long time.

In the back of the temple was a large ox head shaped structure that Jackie approached. He examined the map for instructions before putting it down.

"You got this?" - A

"Yes, I'm sure I can open it." - JC

He stuck his hands inside the nostrils of the ox, triggering a mechanism that opened the Ox's mouth. But once it opened, the talisman...was missing?

Jackie gasped as he saw that the talisman was gone from its little pedestal.

"Where is it?" - JC

"We've got bigger problems!" - A

He said as Ratso, Chow, and Finn entered the same room as them, followed by a group of Dark Hand guards, who aimed guns at them. Aster wasn't entirely confident in his ability to create a barrier before they began to fire, especially when he had to protect Jackie.

Tohru, the large sumo man, stepped out from the small crowd and picked up Jackie by the collar.

"Where is the talisman?" - T

"We don't have it! Someone got to it before we did." - A

"...I don't believe you." - T

He said as he raised his fist, but then paused as they heard the sounds of rattling. The guards began to take a step back as someone from deeper in the temple stepped out into the light of the main room. It appeared to be...a mummy!

It's bone rattled as it moved closer and closer. Tohru was distracted long enough for Aster to use a quick spell to grab Jackie and get them behind a pillar as Tohru punched straight through the mummy, reducing it to bones and ash, as well as revealing Jade behind it who was acting as the puppeteer. She laughed nervously.

"Not a fun of puppet shows?" - Jade

"How did you even get here?!" - A

He said as he blasted Tohru with his wand before Jackie grabbed Jade and the trio began to run as Tohru began to get back up. The other guards, now realizing that the mummy was fake, began to fire and chase them.

"You are supposed to be back at the hotel! Doing homework!" - JC

He said as Aster blasted them a way out of the temple using his magic, and they began to run through the forest. It only took a matter of seconds before the Dark Hand's goons were chasing them on motorcycles.

"Luckily for you, I was bored! I saved you two!" - J

"And put yourself in danger! But that was some quick thinking. Now jump!" - A

He said as they reached a cliff. The trio jumped as Aster summoned his cloud, which they landed on safely. It carried them away, leaving behind the angry guards. Some tried shooting at them, but they were out of range.

Tohru simply glared.


They'd entered the city near the temple, hoping to blend in and gather some intel as they walked down the sidewalk.

"That ancient pyramid was so cool! And these churros are delicious!" - J

She said, talking a mile a minute while munching down on the snack that Jackie had paid for to try and keep her quiet. Clearly it didn't work...

"Slow down, and don't talk while you chew." - A

"But Mexico is muy coolio!" - J

"We have bigger problems." - A

Jackie was just kind of in a daze before finally speaking.

"The talismán could be anywhere. It could be right in that shop, or a million miles away!" - JC

"I could try using a tracker spell, but I'm not sure how well it would work since I've never actually seen the talisman." - A

Aster and Jackie began to discuss methods to find the talisman while Jade wandered off to see a mariachi band play. A boy dressed in green approached her. He seemed to be about her age.

"Hola! Im Pako! What might a charming lady as yourself be doing this evening?" - Pako

"Not interested." - J

"Oh, no no! You misunderstand! I'm gathering an audience for El Toro Fuerte." - Pako

He handed Jade a flyer for a lucho libre that was very popular here. He seemed to have a talisman embedded in his mask, which she immediately took note of.

"He's Mexico's mightiest wrestler! He's never lost a match. I'm going to grow up to be just like him!" - Pako

"Maybe I'll check it out...but isn't most wrestling fake?" - J

"Of course not! El Toro Fuerte is undefeated because he's just that amazing! He's the best." - Pako

"Really? Well, my uncle Jackie is an expert martial artist. I bet he could take your little idol down." - J

"Could not!" - P

"Could to!" - J

"Could not!" - P

"Could to!" - J

"Could not!" - P

"Could to!" - J

"Fine! Then we will see tonight at the match. I will see you later, seniorita...?" - Pako

"Jade." - J

"Seniorita Jade." - P

He said confidently before walking away before Jade returned to the other two.

"And where did you sneak off to?" - JC

"I was exploring. But we have to go to the wrestling match tonight!" - J

"I'm glad you like it here, but we're here on business, not pleasure." - JC

"But I told this boy you were the best fighter in the world! You have to show up!" - J

"There's always someone better and stronger. And even if he is skilled, you shouldn't have bragged about it for no reason." - A

"Indeed. One should only fight as a last resort. Sometimes, the best battle is the one not fought." - JC

'He's got some serious old man wisdom.' - A

"Makes sense...then you'll have to fight once you get in that ring and El Toro starts trying to beat you down." - J

She said without a single shred of guilt.

" have an interesting mind." - A

"Thank you, but still! It's not like we have anything better to do!" - J

"We have to search for the Ox Talisman!" - JC

"And get you back to the hotel." - A

"No need, I already found it." - J

She handed them the poster, which clearly showed the Ox talisman on El Toro Fuerte's mask.

"You sneaky little girl..." - A

He said with a hint of respect. Jackie sighed.

"We have no choice then...we're going to have to get that talisman." - JC

'Not how I expected my night to go, but I'll be more than happy to record this for Marco and I to watch, it could be fun.' - A

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