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Aster and Marco were playing a board game together until a portal opened up in the room. BuffFrog came through with a stroller full of TadPoles.

Aster hadn't really talked to him since 'the incident' with Toffee...but he had made sure to promise that he'd rebuild Ludo's castle for him and his babies to live in, which he was slowly doing with magic. He'd have the rest of it built with Automatons once they were ready.

"Uh, BuffFrog? Everything okay?" - A

"Aster, please babysit! I have nobody else to ask!" - BF

"Oh, yeah, sure. I don't have any other major plans for today." - A

He said. He figured that being a new dad was hard for BuffFrog. In fact, he kind of admired him for handling this many babies.

"Thank you! Here!" - BF

He tried to offer some kind of monster currency but Aster refused. One, because he didn't want it. And two, he couldn't use it.

"No, no, It's okay. Ill do it for free. That's what friends do. Right?" - A

He looked at Marco, who smiled. He was happy to see Aster being more open and friendly with a 'monster'.

"This is book on schedules and naptimes, this is diapers, and emergency mirror number." - BF

He handed them a bunch of stuff. Aster moved the diapers to a corner of the room, put the book next to the Book of Spells, and put the number next to Marco.

"I'll be back by six! Take care! Babies, behave and listen to baby sitters!" - BF

He said as he left through the portal. Aster stared at the tadpoles in their carriage full of water.

"Huh...I've never really thought about what kind of families monsters have. They're actually cute." - A

He was tempted to touch the little babies but restrained himself.

"Okay, let's see..." - M

Marco picked up the baby book and began reading. First they had to set the babies to sleep in a specific order, in a specific way and position. Aster happily obliged since it was reasonable.

His respect for Buff Frog also went up. After all, he was a doting enough father to write a whole book on how to take care of his kids. Aster was holding Katrina (tadpole) in his hands to help her sleep, but...then she began to croak. And then all of them.

"Marco? Marco?!" - A

He was starting to panic as he tried to shush the babies to soothe them. Marco came running back upstairs. He had been making the babies lunch.

"What did you do?" - M

"Nothing! They just started croaking!" - A

"Uhh, the books says to feed them!" - M

He ran back downstairs to grab some bottles that he'd prepared. When Aster saw them, they looked...disgusting. But they weren't for him. Or any MewMan. So it wasn't his place to judge. Buff Frog knew better than him in this regard.

He helped feed each of the babies. Once each of them was done drinking, they began to slowly ease them into the bathtub one by one for a bath.

"I think this is going pretty well!" - A

"Yeah! We'd be good parents." - M

"Yeah, we would." - A

He smiled as he and Marco sat next to each other, keeping watch over the tadpoles. Marco's ringtone began to go off as he got a call from Jackie. The music made the tadpoles dance.

"Oh! My! Stars! They're so cuuute! Let me take a picture!" - A

He took out his phone, taking a picture for himself and to send to BuffFrog. Marco smiled as he left for a moment to answer the call

While he was gone, Aster noticed one of the tadpoles start shaking.

" okay, little guy?" - A

He poked the tadpole, which then promptly sprouted legs. And then they all sprouted legs, except for little Katrina...

Aster proceeded to pick up Katrina and run into the living room as he got chased by the baby tadpoles.

"Marcooooo!" - A

He couldnt fight them, he couldn't leave them alone. He was helpless!

He and Marco both panicked and started trying to get them to run out of energy by running all over the house. Somewhere along the way, they lost Katrina.

Aster immediately panicked even more and got an idea. He began using his wand to blast music for them. He managed to corner all of them in one spot, including Katrina who had the bulkiest legs of them all.

Aster was relieved as he gathered them all up to put them to sleep again. By the time BuffFrog arrived, he and Marco were exhausted. And apparently, so was BuffFrog, who was covered in burns and splinters.

"Heyyy, Buff Frog..." - A

He waved, barely able to look up from the bed.

"My babies!" - BF

He said as the babies woke up and ran to him. He gasped and began to sob uncontrollably

"They're perfect!" - BF

Aster smiled, feeling like this was all worth it in the end.

"Thank you, Aster and Karate Boy. I will never forget this!" - BF

He then left with all his stuff and kids.

"Think you want kids someday?" - A

"Yeah, maybe. But maybe not twelve all at once." - M

He laughed, to which Aster agreed.

"What about you?" - M

"I'm kind of required to have kids? You know, to continue the family bloodline." - A

"That's not the question. Do you want kids?" - M

"...I'm not sure. Maybe if I was with the right person..." - A

"And who's that? Tom?" - M

He said in a teasing tone.

"Shut up!" - A

He laughed as he playfully punched Marco.

"But seriously, who?" - M

"Not telling." - A

"Aww, come on. We just baby sat together! Does that really mean nothing to you?" - M

He said jokingly, making Aster laugh again.

"I'm allowed to have my secrets. Now come on. We should clean up." - A

He sat as he sat upright. Marco rolled his eyes and followed after him.

He really was curious about what type of person Aster would crush on. So far, he imagined that he was into bad boys. Or atleast he was. Aster was different now. He'd changed quite a bit since something to Earth...

Maybe his preferences had changed too.

Reincarnated in Star Vs The Forces of EvilDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora