Amulet of Anubis - Part 1: Pain King & Steel Toe

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Caster, Kim, and Ron teleported right into the Middleton Mall at Ron's request right after a mission.

"Y'know, I usually like to change clothes after a mission." - K

She said while wiping dirt off her shirt.

"No time. The first one hundred fans here get a free GWA T-Shirt!" - R

"...right, awesome. I totally know what that is." - C

"The Global Wrestling Association! Steel Toe rules!" - R

"I'm sorry, Steel Toe? Who names themselves Steel Toe?" - C

"He's got a titanium foot, it seems fitting." - R

"Even so, all this for some wrestlers? Seems excessive." - K

She commented as a group of twenty grown men passed them while chanting 'pain'.

"Not just some wrestlers! Steel Toe and Pain King! Pain King's got a bionic eye! Isn't that bad ass?" - R

"Riiight..." - K

The trio gathered around a crowd where a short man was talking into a microphone about wrestling.

"That's Jackie Oakes, founder of the GWA." - R

Ron explained. Pain King and Steel Toe came on stage a minute later, causing the crowd to erupt into cheers.

"I came to shop, not to see two nearly naked guys fight." - K

She went to leave, but Ron stopped her.

"Wait! Wrestling is more than two guys beating each other up! It's a war of words! It's an art form!" - R

He said as Kim and Caster heard Steel Toe and Pain King trash talk each other.

"Yeah, no thanks." - C

"Club Banana is doing a brand deal with the Middleton Museum's Cleopatra's Closet exhibit. That's way more interesting than...whatever that is." - K

She pointed to the two wrestlers.

"I'm with Kimmy on this one. One of my best friends is an archeologists. So, as much as I love some muscle, I'm going with her." - C

He and Kim finally left to Club Banana. Caster observed the Egyptian art they put on the walls while Kim became besties with Monique, a Club Banana employee.

But they were both interrupted when the wrestling fans began to fight each other and Ron got stuck in the middle of it. Caster focused on getting them to stop while Kim rescued Ron.

Getting the crowd to stop fighting was as simple as firing off a few weak Chi Blasts, and testing out his Paralysis rune. He needed a way to distinguish between the glyphs on Hung Chao and the ones that Lo Pei used, so he called Lo Pei's glyphs runes instead. Sounded cooler anyway.

When he finished, he met up with Kim and Ron. Apparently Oakes was so grateful to them for stopping the brawl, that he gave her three backstage passes to the next match. She really didn't care though and gave them to Ron.

"Come on! It'll be fun if we all go together! We can go to Kim's place and watch wrestling so we can get psyched for the match!" - R

"Ron, I appreciate the enthusiasm, but wrestling just isn't our thing. Plus the museum has a whole new exhibit on Cleopatra that we have to check out." - C

"You two would rather look at some dead Queen's clothes than hang out with me?" - R

"She was an important historical figure. And who knows? Maybe I'll find some magic there." - C

He and Kim left, and later that day, he and Kim went to the exhibit and got to enjoy the tour with Monique. She was very friendly, and was like the sister Kim never had.

But of course, nothing good lasts forever. One of the exhibits was apparently robbed and they arrived just in time to see the thief run through a door to the roof. The tour guide immediately called the authorities while the two heroes gave chase.

"Why can't I enjoy anything..." - C

He grumbled as he and Kim chased after the thief. When they got to the roof, they found the mysterious thief glowing in a golden aura as they transformed into a tall, muscular jackal man. He was wearing Egyptian style clothing, but that did leave most of his body exposed. Such as most of his torso, his arms, and the lower half of his legs.

"That's new." - C

He said as his fists glowed blue as he prepared his Chi Blast. The jackal man floated up and his eyes glowed as he fired golden lasers down at Caster, who retaliated with his own Chi Blasts. The two attacks hit each other, but Caster wasn't backing down, allowing him to block the laser vision from hitting either him or Kim.

"It's probably that necklace! It's always some kind of magic jewelry! Steal it, or buy me the time to grab him!" - C

"On it!" - K

She ran off to hide and try and sneak up on him.

"Not so fast." - ???

He said as launched a wind blast at Kim. She went flying across the roof. The jackal didn't stop there and began to unleash various sharp wind attacks, making Kim scream as she started getting cut all over.

"No!" - C

He said as he ended the stalemate, jumping out of the way to avoid the jackal's energy blast so he could run to Kim. He hugged her, shielding her from the attacks.

He could be replaced.

She couldn't.

"Return to Section Thirteen!" - C

The two teleported away before the attacks could hit, allowing them to narrowly dodge what could've been lethal attacks. The jackal frowned in confusion as to what just happened but shrugged it off as he prepared to fly away.

But he was stopped when he noticed a portal opening up where Caster and Kim just were. And through it came Aster and King.

"So this is the guy?" - King

He asked, already thinking of all the fun pranks he could play on him during the fight.

"Yup. Go wild. But if it gets too messy, I'll step in." - A

"Oh, it's gonna get messy..." - King

He grinned.

"Another one? annoying." - ???

The jackal just wanted to get going so he could work on his plan, but these heroes kept getting in his way...

His eyes glowed with a golden light and his fists began to produce a green energy as he prepared for another fight. King turned his staff into a mallet.

"Let's get ready to ruuumble!" - King

He said, grinning as he gripped the mallet in anticipation. King stood across from Jackal, two half gods ready to fight atop a museum. Aster stood back, watching.

'This should be amusing...' - A

He created some popcorn

"Your friends weren't strong enough. But if you think your able to take down The Jackal, I won't stop you. I welcome the challenge!" - Jackal

He said, full of pride and arrogance. King grinned as he swung his staff around, ready for a fight.

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