Monster Hunt - Part 1: DnD

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It had been a couple of weeks since the farm, Moon was finally ready to let him begin his work on Mewni again. Aster had to get all dressed so he could accept his new mission in front of a bunch of noble families.

He entered the throne room. The same one he'd been in during his Coronation. He approached his mother at the front of the room and kneeled in front of her.

"My son, I have chosen you to undertake a most quest for this kingdom and it's people. The Hydra of the Forest of Certain Death has been a threat to our lands, our allies, and the people of our kingdom. It has finally gone too far, by attacking any MewMan that gets anywhere near it! This monster must be taken down, once and for all. You are to set forth immediately and find its lair, and then you must hunt it down and bring its head back to me as proof." - Moon

Aster nodded.

"I humbly accept this quest. I will ensure our kingdom's safety. You can rely on me." - A

He stood and left after a bit more talk. He then had a magic mirror call with Moon to sort the details.

He was allowed to bring his friends if he wanted to, as long as they can handle themselves and their potential deaths won't cause a war.

He would have to bring some soldiers with him. Even River had to whenever he went hunting. It was usually a formality for him though, since he killed most of his prey himself.

And finally. He would be responsible for the safety of all members of his party and figuring out the weaknesses of the hydra. He immediately knew where to start. Marco, of course.

He opened a portal right to Marco's living room, where he was eating.

"You know, there's a door right there. You could, I dunno, knock?" - M

"Yeah, but that takes longer. And it's not like I portal right to your room anymore." - A

He sighed.

"Yeah, it's an improvement." - M

Aster sat on the couch.

"Okay, remember how my mom sent me on a whole mission to make our farms better and it was kind of a disaster?" - A

"Yeah...?" - M

"Well, she finally trusts me enough to go on another mission. This time less politics and waiting." - A

"Okay..." - M

"Monster hunting!" - A

"Not what I was expecting, but atleast it's something I'm used to. What are you hunting exactly?" - M

"A hydra." - A

He ate one of Marco's nachos. Marco's eyes widened

"A hydra? Seriously? You have those on Mewni?" - M

"Yup. They don't exist on Earth though, right?" - A

As stated, his memory of Earth was pretty fuzzy after all these years.

"No, but they exist in Greek Mythology." - M

"Cool! You know about them. Which means you can join the team." - A

"But...I had a date with Jackie..." - M

Aster gave a pleading look with puppy dog eyes. Marco sighed.

"I'll push it back..." - M

"Yes! Thank you! You're the best!" - A

He gave Marco a hug.

"Okay, pack clothes and supplies for...about a week?" - A

"A week?" - M

"Only as a precaution! If everything goes as well as it should, it'll last two to three days at best." - A

Reincarnated in Star Vs The Forces of EvilTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang