Mackie Hand - Part 1: Enemies

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Aster opened up a portal to Marco's bedroom and stretched a bit. He'd just spend most of the morning sitting through a long meeting with Eve, going over progress reports on how things were going with the androids as well as manufacturing in Pixtopia.

Marco was sitting at his desk, typing rapidly on his computer.

"Watcha doin'?" - A

He asked while creating a beanbag chair and sitting next to him.

"I'm trying to get tickets to see a Mackie Hand movie marathon tonight! I can't miss it. It's a once in the lifetime opportunity!" - M

"And Mackie Hand is...?" - A

Aster couldn't recall anyone named Mackie Han from his previous life, but he did remember a Jackie Chan.

' he still a celebrity in this universe? I'll have to look into it later.' - A

"You don't know who Mackie Hand is?! Have you been living under a rock?" - M

"No, I've been living in another dimension." - A

"Oh, right...he's a superstar martial artist! He died thirty years ago while doing a big stunt." - M

He kept hitting refresh until the computer told him that it was sold out. He began to bang his head on the keyboard.

"Hey! Hey! It's okay! We'll figure something out. Maybe I can bribe someone into giving you their ticket." - A

"Good things don't happen to me...Ahhh!" - M

He and Aster both fell backwards as the desk burst into flames as Tom appeared. He was licking a lollipop.

"Hey." - T

"Tom? What are you doing here?" - A

"I was wondering if we could hang out." - T

"Last time didn't go so well, so I'm a little reluctant to go anywhere with you." - A

"Not you. I meant Marco." - T

"Huh?" - A & M

"Uh, no thanks." - M

"Oh...okay then! Guess I'll find someone to use these Mackie Hand Movie Marathon tickets with..." - T

"Woah woah, hold on! You like Mackie Hand?" - M

"Yeah, dude. Im a super fan." - T

"Why would you want to go with me?" - M

"I thought we really connected that one time." - T

"You mean when you tied me up, kidnapped me, took me to the underworld, and forced me to play ping pong with you?" - M

"When did this happen?" - A

"It was right before I came to apologize for my behavior at the Blood Moon Ball. But that's not important. Look, I know I've been kind of a dick in the past...but I'm sorry, and I'm trying to be better. Don't I deserve a chance?" - T

"Mm..." - A

Aster stared with suspicion, but also some doubt. If monsters could change, then maybe...

"So, are you coming?" - T

"...fine. But no funny business!" - M
(Marco POV)

Tom brought him outside and summoned his carriage, which was being pulled by a skeletal unicorn with a flaming mane and tail. The entire interior of the carriage, which was larger on the inside, was filled with demon themed stuff.

"Let's see, we've got six flat screen TV's, a Photo Booth, a karaoke machine, my pet white tiger, and the lounge." - T

"You have a pet tiger?" - M

"I'm a literal demon prince. Having a pet tiger isn't that big of a deal to me." - T

"Mm...fair enough." - M

He sat down in the lounge.

"Do you want anything? I could get you a drink, maybe some cereal?" - T

"Would I even be able to eat it?" - M

"...probably?" - T

"Look, you seem really nice. But you've never nice to me. What's going on? Why do you really want to hang out with me?" - M

"Whaaat?" - T

"What's your favorite Mackie Hand movie?" - M

"..." - T

"I knew it! I am so out of here!" - M

He got up and began to storm out but Tom stopped him.

"Wait! I'm sorry! It's...I have two favorites, okay? Hand-to-Hand and Hand-to-Hand 2. But if I have to pick, the original is probably better." - T

"Uh...Yeah, it is better, it's the best one!" - M

"And I don't mean the English dub, I mean the original. In Swedish." - T

"You really know your stuff." - M

He then got a slightly guilty look.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have judged you so quickly..." - M

"No, no, it's okay. I get it. It can be hard to break through people's preconceptions of me. But if it means earning your trust by proving myself, that's what I'll do." - T

Tom said while sitting on the couch. Marco sat next to Tom.

"Why are you so determined to prove yourself?" - M

"Well...I don't really have a lot of friends, and I want to change that. Plus, I've never been to a movie marathon. So I wanted to give it a shot." - T

He shrugged. Marco smiled.

"Maybe you really aren't so bad." - M

He said before they got interrupted by the sound of laughter. When they looked out the window, there were two dude-bros in the car next to them.

"Dude, what kind of car even is that?" - Dude Bro 1

"Where'd you get it? A funeral home?" - Dude Bro 2

They both laughed. Tom looked pissed but Marco stepped in.

"Doesn't matter where we got it. It's still faster than your car!" - M

"Prove it!" - Dude Bro 2

"Fine. First to the next light is the fastest." - M

"Yeah, or are you chicken?" - T

The two dude bros got competitive looks before agreeing and speeding off.

"Let's do this!" - T

"Nope. Give it a sec..." - M

He said as the Dude Bros started getting chased by a cop.

"They're going to jail." - M

He smiled as Tom looked surprised before grinning and bursting into laughter.

"That's so much better than killing them!" - T

"Yeah, reminds me of my favorite song, 'Awesome Feeling'!" - M

"Wait, what? Isn't that a song by Love Handle?" - T

"Uh, yeah..." - M

"Come with me..." - T

He said with a pretty ominous tone. Marco followed, feeling a bit nervous. He took Marco to the back of the carriage, to a closet. He opened it up and Marco gasped as he saw its contents...!

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