Tohru's Destiny - Part 3: The Chosen One

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As the death curse hit Jade, she began to squirm as its energy swirled around her. Her own body began to release Chi to protect her.

"This is...impossible! How?!" - DW

He asked as all the other fights stopped. The staff of the last Chosen One began to tremble and went flying into Jade's hand, as the High Mystic finished his chanting. The Chosen One's Chi had been awakened.

(Note: think of it like the Avatar State. Jade won't be able to fully control it or access it all the time.)

Jade's eyes glowed with a golden light as she flicked away the death curse. Doalon Wong panicked, realizing he'd targeted the wrong person.

"Gen! Ren! Chui! Protect your master!" - DW

He ordered and the trio immediately went to attack Jade, who released a radiant light that purged the dark Chi in them, causing the trio to scream in pain as the three men inside were finally freed from Doalon's control.

Doalon tried to run out of the front door, only for Jackie, Aster, and Uncle to block the way. When he turned to try and leave the other way, Tohru was back up and ready to fight now that he was confirmed to not be the Chosen One.

"You will all regret this day!! Doalon Wong will have his revenge!" - DW

He swore before throwing a purple ball on the ground, unleashing a bunch of smoke which filled the room briefly, allowing Doalon to escape...for now.

With the enemy gone, Jade closed her eyes as she returned to her normal form and passed out from exhaustion. She also dropped the wooden staff to the ground. Aster and Jackie quickly ran over to check on her, as did the monks.

"It's alright. We can help her." - High Mystic

He reassured. The rest of the day was spent with the monks helping Jade's body adjust to the sudden influx in Chi so she wouldn't explode.

As for Aster and the rest of the group, they began to argue with the monks. They believed Jade would now live with them and lead them into a new era, while Aster and the others refused because she was her own person and could choose who she stayed with.

So, when Jade woke up, she was brought back to the High Mystic's (repaired) temple. She was given two choices.

"You can stay with us, Chosen One, and fulfill your destiny." - High Mystic

"Or you can come home. And be who you were meant to be. Jade." - JC

Jade looked at them both. She then looked at the staff in her hands. Despite having awakened her Chi, she didn't remember any of her past lives. Which made this choice a lot easier...

"...I choose both." - J

"...what?" - A & High Mystic

"I choose both. I can lead here and still live at home. Aster goes all over the world in a few seconds. So it'll be easy." - J

" that allowed?" - Monk

He asked the High Mystic.

"I...I don't know..." - High Mystic

"Well, I'm the Chosen One and I say I can." - J

The monks looked unsure before eventually bowing.

"Your will is our will, Chosen One." - High Mystic

"Cool! Now go get me some noodles. And some for my friends too!" - J

"Yes, Chosen One." - High Mystic

The monks quickly rushed to complete the order. Aster and the group walked up to Jade's little throne.

"You're really playing into the whole 'Chosen One' stuff, huh?" - A

"Oh, yeah. I'm milking these guys for all their worth." - J

She grinned devilishly. Aster laughed while Jackie looked worried.

'I feel bad for them...' - JC

With that settled, the Ben Shui Monks allied themselves with Section Thirteen. This meant that three magic based groups were now connected through Aster.

Mohajah and his men. The Muntabs, and now the Ben Shui. Aster was curious how all three would react to each other, but that could wait for another time.

For now, he'd allow them all to grow in strength on their own. After a big feast to send off Aster and his group, they returned home. Jade was now a very busy girl.

She was juggling school, training at Section Thirteen, and being the new leader of the Ben Shui. But the Ben Shui were a lot easier since she only had to check in every now and then and give them a few orders.

Aster, Jackie, Jade, Uncle, and Tohru also began to go even harder on the training. Doalon Wong was still out there, and while his Dark Chi Warriors may be gone, he could always create new ones...
Doalon Wong watched Aster and his friends in Uncle's Shop, a place that had no protection against Scrying spells. He was watching them through a cauldron, planning his next move.

"Two spell casters, a possible descendant of the Immortals, a giant man, and the Chosen seems I must speed up my plans..." - DW

He said while levitating two books over for him to read. The first was about dragon teeth, and it's ability to amplify spells. The other, was about portals to the Demon Realm...

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