The Future of Mewni - Part 1: The Meeting

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Aster, Moon, Meteora, and Eclipsa sat around a circular table, to represent the equality among the four of them. Though, Eclipsa and Meteora probably deserved better chairs because they were the only true royals.

"I called this meeting because, now that we've confirmed Meteora's lineage, we have to discuss the future of Mewni, and the throne of the Butterfly Kingdom." - Moon

"What is there to discuss? The throne is rightfully ours." - Meteora

She said, not even entertaining the idea of an alternative.

"Yes...but-" - Moon

"Even if we hand it over, it won't last. The people hate Eclipsa, and they don't know you. They'll revolt or leave. If they revolt, the guards might turn against you too. They won't fight the people they're meant to protect. If you fight back, the other kingdoms will step in, and it becomes a war between you and the entire realm." - A

"We'd win." - Meteora

She said, her eyes glowing with an ominous green light.

"And you'd be left with a kingdom of ruins. Please, listen. They've done nothing but help. We should atleast hear them out." - Eclispa

She said, putting a hand on her daughter's shoulder. Meteora paused before silently nodding, signaling for them to continue.

"Me and Aster have discussed it, and we believe it could be possible for us to share the throne." - Moon

"Moon is beloved by the people, especially the older generations. The younger generations of Mewmans and monsters look up to me, and the older monsters like Eclipsa. And Meteora already has her reputation as head mistress, so she has a pretty decent relationship with plenty of heirs." - Aster

"If we work together to manage the kingdom, not as a single queen or king, but as a council, then we can negate some of the push back we'd receive from the people." - Moon

"What does it matter what they do? The throne is ours! It's mine! Why should I share with the ones who stole it?" - Meteora

"Me and Aster didn't steal your throne. We didn't even know the truth. None of our ancestors did. We aren't your enemy." - Moon

She reassured, though she was growing a bit frustrated.

"And no offense, but you haven't been trained to rule. A kingdom is a lot bigger than a school. You'll need help." - A

"...and what would the council do exactly?" - Eclipsa

"We'd split up the duties of the ruler between us. I would take matters relating to diplomacy and relations with other kingdoms. My mother would handle the day to day and managing the castle itself, as well as issues relating to Mewmans. Eclipsa would handle law and trials, to help her build a reputation as a just and honorable person, as well as handling everything monster related. And when you're ready, you would slowly take over our duties." - A

(AN: got this idea off Reddit. All credit for the idea goes to the person who came up with it)

He explained, directing the last part to Meteora herself.

"And if either of you have a child, that child will be the next direct heir. Aster's children would have no claim to the throne." - Moon

"And the true rulers of the kingdom get to reclaim their throne. The council will only last this generation to help prepare everything. Once the time has passed, it'll be dissolved and you can rule as you see fit." - A

Aster said. He did feel...sad, and even a little angry, that he would never truly get to rule as king. The one thing he'd trained most of his life to do...but being fair to Meteora, and the people of Mewni, was more important.

"Well, this idea sounds wonderful." - Eclipsa

She said. If this plan worked, the people would still hate her initially. But they trusted Moon. That would at least lessen the hate she'd receive.

As for Meteora...she was a smart woman. She was raised that way. She could see the potential in this plan, and part of her wanted to trust them. She'd been hiding who she really was for so long, and being accepted was something she always longed for...she had it from her mother. And she almost had it from her students. All that was left was her people...

"...if we go along with this plan, I want retribution for what happened to my family." - Meteora

Moon and Aster both exchanged slightly worried looks, but they needed this to work. It was this, or they can forget about the monsters, they'd have a civil war on their hands. Meteora had been kind enough to not go on a rampage, and had repeatedly been generous enough to listen them. She had every right to take the throne by force and kill everyone who wronged her. But she didn't. The least they could do was hear her demands. Though that would barely be enough to repay the debt she was owed. So they nodded, ready to listen.

"I want the Magical High Commission punished. Preferably dead, by my hands...and I want to talk to St Olga." - Meteora

"That's..." - Moon

"We accept your conditions. Killing the Magical High Commission is something I normally wouldn't be opposed to, but one of them has a chance at redemption and the rest are too important to kill." - A

Meteora growled but Eclipsa helped keep her calm.

"...what kind of punishment do you propose then? Dismemberment? Skinning? A thousand years of imprisonment?" - Meteora

"We...aren't sure yet. But we'll find something that can make everyone happy." - A

"Then I suppose we've come to an agreement...for now. Let's go, mommy." - Meteora

She and Eclipsa left, but not before Eclipsa gave Aster and Moon a grateful look. Once they were gone, Moon immediately sighed.

"What have we done...we can't kill them, and we can't torture them! What are we supposed to do?" - Moon

She asked, looking panicked and conflicted. She'd fought side by side with the members of the Magical High Commission. She trusted them. Well...she did...

"We'll figure something out, mom. We always do." - A

He gave her a hopeful smile. Moon seemed comforted and returned the smile.

"We have a lot to do. Let's get to work." - Moon

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