Ludo's Return

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Aster and Marco were in Marco's backyard. Aster had put up some protection spells just in case things got destructive while he practiced magic.

Aster had put a minor floating enchantment on the Book of Spells so he could read it and practice while Marco watched. He was currently trying to master SkyWin's Warnicorn Stampede.

" this?" - A

He put both his hands up

"No, no. More like this." - Glossaryck

He adjusted Aster's form.

"Why do I even have to do a dance? Aren't incantations usually enough when I'm not using my own magic?" - A

"Go ahead and try if you don't trust me." - G

"Fine. Warnicorn Stampede!" - A

He aimed his wand. It glowed a wicked green before summoning a bunch of small horses that ran around.

"Hm..." - A

He frowned.

"And that's why we study." - G

"Yeah, yeah...but that's not fun. Speaking of, wanna come with me and Marco? We could buy you some pudding flavored ice cream." - A

"Why would I do that?" - G

"Because we're friends?" - A

He said, a little confused.

"We are?" - G

"I mean, we talk pretty often. So, yeah. I'd assume so. He's our friend, right Marco?" - A

"He's a pudding addict." - M

"'re invited. It could be a chance for you to see the Earth." - A

"...sure." - G

He said as he sat on Aster's shoulder. They first went to see a sad drama movie about a mermaid and a fisherman.

"So, why can't they be together again?" - G

"Because his fisherman buddies would hunt her down." - A

"Ohhh. So why doesn't she eat them?" - G

"It's not socially acceptable to eat your enemies here. Or morally, as Marco has taught me." - A

"Hm...disappointing." - G

The trio then went to an ice cream shop. Aster and Marco left Glossaryck alone with some pudding for a second while they left to say hi to Jackie. On their way back, a dimensional portal opened up right in front of them.

"What the...?" - A

Aster and Marco were both very confused. Toffee was...missing. Ludo was in the void, and a majority of Ludo's army didn't hate them anymore...

But right as they took a few steps back, Ludo himself came out. He was riding on a very large spider with an large eagle carrying them both, using its talons to keep Ludo and the spider in the air.

"Ludo...? I didn't think you'd-" - A

"What? Survive?! Well I did!" - L

Aster aimed his wand at Ludo, only for him to do the same with a darker, more skeleton-like wand. Both then looked confused as they realized they both had a wand.

"You have a wand?" - L & A

"Whatever. You're coming with me!" - L

He said as his wand glowed before releasing an energy blast of pure destructive green magic that blew up part of the building behind Aster and Marco, setting it ablaze.

Ludo had been knocked to the ground by the recoil. Clearly he wasn't used to its power.

"Levitato!" - A

He tried to cast the spell but it felt...weaker than usual. He was barely able to lift a nearby car a few feet off the ground instead of being able to smash it into an enemy like he did before.

"What?" - A

He looked confused. Marco then got jumped by both the spider and eagle as Aster and Ludo engages in a magic duel.

"Ugh, I don't have time for you!" - A

He said as he fired some weak firework spells at Ludo to keep him distracted while Aster went running towards Glossaryck to get him to safety. But Ludo got in the way when he began to release an uncontrollable energy blast, which began to leave huge cracks in the road and causing severe damage to the area.

He managed to direct this attack at Aster, who barely had time to conjure a shield before getting blasted into a wall. He groaned slightly, now having some cuts and burns.

"Ow..." - A

He tried to get up as he saw Marco getting tangled in the giant spider's web. He tried to get up but Ludo blasted him back down.

"I give you a choice! Come with me, or the karate boy dies." - L

Aster simply raised the wand again.

"Fine! Have it your way." - L

Glossaryck sighed nearby as he whistled, summoning the Book of Spells to their location. It was opened to SkyWin's Warnicorn stampede spell. Aster quickly knew what he had to do and began to mimic the dance.

He didn't care how cringe it was, he just knew he had to win. And with a single chant, he summoned a horde of angry warnicorns that forced Ludo and his two pets to retreat back through their portal.

"Wow! That was...amazing!" - M

"Yeah, that spell really packs a punch..." - A

He said, observing all the damage around them caused by both the fight and the stampede.

"Should we...?" - M

"No, it's okay. You go home. I'll handle it. I caused it for the most part, so it's my responsibility." - A

He said. He'd just seen how putting in the work was actually beneficial with the Warnicorn spell. So, he'd try it again here.

Marco nodded as Aster got to work, casting whatever cleaning and repair spells he could muster. His magic felt stronger now that Ludo was gone, weirdly. But still, it was weaker than before. It felt like it'd been getting weaker ever since the whole situation at Ludo's castle...

He briefly considered something was genuinely wrong with the wand's magic. But that was hard to believe. Sure, some spells came out differently than he intended. But that was hard to believe.

For that to happen, something would have to be wrong with the source of all magic itself. And that was impossible! According to past queens, it was an infinitely reproducing and self sustaining substance that could not be destroyed or damaged.


Now that he thought about it, they never said anything about corruption...

Aster briefly stopped cleaning to look at his wand's shining green glow...

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