United - Part 2: Team GO!

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Aster arrived in GO City through a portal. It used to be named something else, but the people here loved their heroes so much, they renamed their city after them. It didn't take much asking around before he found who he was looking for.

GO Tower was on a little island just outside the city, and was the primary residence of the team. So he flew over with the Rooster and Rabbit, landing on the roof.

'Hm...would it be rude if I blasted my way in? They don't have a door...' - A

His powers couldn't achieve intangibility unless he used the Sheep. But that meant he'd be leaving behind his body, and that didn't seem like a very smart thing to do. So he just used his super strength to tear a hole through the ceiling, floated through, and then repaired it with the Horse.

"Good as new." - A

He smiled before an alarm began to go off as a result of his entrance. He was currently in what looked like a briefing room. They had a similar one on HEROES island, just...bigger. Four people came into the room, ready to fight.

A pair of twins in red hero suits, a skinny guy in a purple hero suit with light purple skin, and a muscular guy in a blue suit.

"An intruder!" - He-Go

Said the muscular one, who also happened to be the oldest and the leader.

"Obviously. The alarm didn't just go off by itself." - Me-Go

Said the purple one.

"Hi! Sorry to startle you. But that alarm is like, really loud, can you turn it off?" - A

He said, covering his ears. He-Go pulled out a remote and messed with it for a couple of seconds until the alarm stopped. He'd pushed every button.

"There. Now tell us who you are, criminal!" - He-Go

He said, his body glowing with a blue aura as he prepared in case they fought. The twins glowed red as they duplicated themselves until there were enough of them to fill the room and surround Aster. Me-Go glowed purple and shrunk down to half his normal size.

"...wait, are you guys related to Shego?" - A

He asked, seeing a resemblance between her and these guys. He-Go looked surprised before smiling.

"Yeah! Do you know her? How is she?" - He-Go

He asked, his once cautious expression now turning to one of hope.

"Uh...she's working with a villain, but she's getting paid pretty well I think. So...fine?" - A

He-Go, Me-Go, and the We-Go seemed to become a little sad when they heard that.

"Well...atleast she's still out there." - He-Go

He said, trying to comfort his siblings.

"Can I ask what happened?" - A

"Well, a long time ago, a meteor landed in our backyard-" - We-Go 1

"And gave us our powers! So we became heroes!" - We-Go 2

"Until Shego got tired of us and left to become a villain." - We-Go 1

"I see...well, all families fight. It's up to them to decide if they can forgive each other. Try letting her know you still care, and maybe see if you guys can work something out-" - A

"Work something out? Uh, no! She's the one who left! She abandoned her family. We miss her, but that doesn't mean we want her back! She was awful! Always making those mean comments and never listening when I talked about myself." - Me-Go

"Did you ever tell her that she was hurting you?" - A

"I-...of course not! What if she hit me?" - Me-Go

"Sounds like you guys need a good family therapist. Though therapy only works if you want to change and become better. You guys all have to be willing to be better. But that's just my opinion." - A

He said, knowing family situations were usually more complicated than they seemed. And he didn't know the full story. But what he did know, there was more to Shego than he thought.

"...you really think our sister might come home?" - He-Go

He asked, wanting some reassurance. He was the hopeful one. The leader. But even he couldn't hold out hope forever.

"As things are? No. But, things can change. Maybe you can convince her to atleast talk to you." - A

"Thanks..." - He-Go

He said, feeling a little better.

"Wait, wait, wait! We don't even know who this guy is. Why are we letting him give us advice?!" - Me-Go

He said, pointing out the ridiculousness. Plus, he didn't like that the conversation wasn't about him...

"Right! I'm Aster, superhero from San Fransokyo." - A

"Do you have powers?" - W1

"Like us?" - W2

The pair asked while their many clones combined back into the two of them so they could inspect Aster.

"Yup." - A

He turned into a cat, then a bear, then a huge ape, and then turning back into himself.

"Cool!" - W1 & W2

"Pfft, so what? He can turn into animals. Shrinking is much better." - Me-Go

He said, turning back into his normal size.

"I think shapeshifting and shrinking are both good powers. They both have their strengths and weaknesses. For example, you can probably get smaller than I can. And even if you couldn't, it's still a useful power. Especially if you learned how to use it in reverse." - A

"Reverse?" - Me-Go

"Yeah. Y'know, like growing?" - A

"..." - Me-Go

"..." - A

"..." - Me-Go

"...you never tried to grow?" - A

"I'm a very busy person, okay?!" - Me-Go

He huffed as he began growing instead of just shrinking. He had no idea his powers could work in reverse like this.

"Yeah, that's great and all, but why are you here?" - He-Go

"Thank you for reminding me." - A

He explained everything. Pretty much the same thing he told Boss Awesome. The team were unsure, but once they saw HEROES' island, they were very eager to join. There were pretty girls with powers like Me-Go, actual work out equipment that He-Go could use, and the We-Go Twins could have loads of fun there.

Aster put a portal to HEROES' island in their sub basement, which was defended by both their security measures and Aster's magic defenses. Now they could come and go as they pleased. Though he'd shut the portal down if he needed to.

Reincarnated in Star Vs The Forces of EvilOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant