Chapter 39: The Unwelcome Quest

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In fact, Galactus was a multiversal constant in Marvel which meant he not only represented a particular concept in all the universes he was present in but he would also always exist no matter what. Even if he is defeated or somehow killed, he will always come back.

But despite all that, the reason, why I was still brave enough to even go near the being who liked to munch on stars and planets for breakfast was because he was a character who had been defeated multiple times throughout the history of Marvel comics by a wide array of characters.

From Odin who had successfully thwarted a hungry Galactus from devouring Asgard to Reed Richards who had outsmarted him multiple times. Even a few of the X-men had toyed with him from time to time. He has basically become the measuring standard of truly powerful Marvel characters and that was what gave me some hope of completing this quest. Truthfully I have no idea just how powerful I am right now, compared to someone like Galactus but who knows, maybe I am one of those OP characters that can beat him up.


<(Omniscient POV)>

No, he wasn't powerful enough to defeat Galactus. In fact, he doubted he was even powerful enough to successfully chase the planet destroyer away as he was right now.

After Atem had arrived at the coordinates provided by Zoya, he had finally found out how Galactus truly looked. To him, he initially looked just like a normal human wearing a weirdly sci-fi-looking violet costume and a funny hat. But once he used his rinnegan's ocular abilities, he understood that Galactus didn't have a true form. Through the true sight of his Rinnega, he saw that the World Devourer looked like a rapidly shape-changing chunk of infinite energy that sometimes looked humanoid while other times looked like a blob of cloud.

For the last ten minutes, Atem had tried almost a dozen of his magic spells as well as multiple of his abilities including his Nirvana fire and his Rinnegan's abilities like the meteor summon to try to somehow hurt the huge being and force him into leaving without revealing his own exact position but Galactus seemed more interested in snacking on the last planet belonging to a star system neighboring the Solar system than even reacting to his attacks.

Of course, Atem still hadn't used his strongest attacks or his ace like his divinity but he wasn't sure if he should at this stage. He had been lucky till now since Galactus was too busy to eat than try to counter his assaults but if he were to use his divinity, the Planet eater would most definitely give him his undivided attention which wouldn't be great for Atem since that would mean Galactus would do his best to get rid of him or in the worst case... try to eat him.

"He is surrounded by an extraordinarily unique energy matrix master. That particular energy is what has been interacting with the cosmic storm. It seems that the frequencies of both the storm and his energy have matched at a deep level and that is probably what is attracting him towards the Solar system. If something isn't done, then the planets of the Solar system will be his next meal after he is done with this one." Zoya informed her master through his armor as she remained at a safe distance and continued to observe Galactus to get more information on him.

'So, I have no other choice but to take a chance and go all out against him since he would be going after Earth the moment he is done here. So much for playing it safe.' Atem thought with a bitter smile as he canceled the invisibility and the other half a dozen stealth spells that he had cast on himself.

The Witcher magic might not be the most versatile magic system or even the strongest but it was useful when you needed to cast spells on yourself.

"Boost, Boost, Boost, Boost,...." Atem used his Divine boost power rapidly to boost his power to the maximum limit to quickly match that of Galactus. He really wished he also had the power of Divine Dividing which he could to half the powers of his enemy while adding it to himself but unfortunately, he didn't and had to make do with what he had.

After using Boost multiple times until Atem felt like his body couldn't contain any more power, he finally deemed that he was ready and used his Divine presence: Aura of Domination ability in an effort to weaken Galactus by 'dominating' him.

As his aura spread throughout the space, and enveloped the entire area around Galactus, the massive Judge of Civilizations finally stopped chewing the remains of the planet as he slowly turned back his head to look at the source of this disturbance with annoyed eyes while giving a raging shout that seemed to shake space itself.



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