36. Socialize

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By the end of the week I'd returned to my apartment to prepare for my classes. Finals were getting close and things were going to get hectic. I was organizing my book bag when I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Hey, Indigo," Kelsey said, pushing the door open. She and the rest of my roommates had returned the night before from their trip.

"Hey, Kelsey. What's up?" I replied.

"I'm surprised you're actually here," she said.

"Yeah, well. I need to get ready for class."

"The girls and I were actually planning on going bar hopping. You know, one last hurrah before classes start again. Wanna go?"

"Um," I thought about it for a very brief moment. "Sure."

"Really?" She seemed shocked.

"Yeah. Why not, right?"

"That's right," Kelsey beamed. "We're leaving at 8, okay? Meet us up front."

"Sounds good, thanks."

After Kelsey left I scoured my closet for something appropriate to wear while bar hopping. I didn't think loungewear - a baggy t-shirt and leggings - would suffice. I dug up a short brown pencil skirt and a white turtleneck. It wasn't glamorous but it made me feel cute so I went with it.

By the time the girls - Kelsey, Brittny, and Claire - and I arrived at the first bar it was a little before 8:30 pm. The bar was full but we managed to squeeze into a couple of seats at the bar. Drinks were poured, then a round of shots, before it was time to pay out and head to the next one.

Two bars later I was properly loosened up and quickly learned that I didn't mind the company of my roommates; in fact, I found them to be quite fun. We chatted about school, life, spring break, and nothing in particular. The drinks kept coming and I felt like I was on top of the world. Look at me being social for once!

The night was going well, and eventually Kelsey couldn't help but lean in and ask me over the din of the bar about my boyfriend.

"You're not home as much as you used to be," she said. "I guess things with your man are going well?"

"Yeah, they are," I smiled. "Is it that obvious?"

"Totally," she laughed. "I'm happy for you. Everyone deserves to have a little fun, even little recluses like you."

"I don't know if I should take that as an insult or not."

"What? Being a recluse?" she asked. "It's not an insult - there are all types of people out there. You're just one that prefers to be alone."

"Hey, I'm here tonight, aren't I?"

"Yes! And I'm still floored!"

"I don't blame you," I laughed.

"Well? Tell me about your man," she demanded. "Is he hot?"

"Um," I giggled. "Yeah. He's pretty hot."

"How hot? Do you have a picture?"

I did but I wasn't willing to share them. "No, actually."

"What? How?"

"We aren't really picture people."

"You should take more pictures so you can remember your youth. Life's short. You gotta have fun while you can."

"Very insightful, Kelsey," I said. "I'll have to keep that in mind."

"Need another drink?" she asked.

"I don't know, I think I might be hitting the wall soon."

"No such thing," she grinned. Kelsey waved at the bartender and ordered a few beers.

While I waited for my drink I glanced around the bar; it was small, but clean, with booths lining the back wall and a few big TVs hung up on the wall.

As I was looking around, a group of six came in through the door and beelined for the bar. To my chagrin, Maria was among the newcomers. I tried to look away quickly, but I caught her attention before I could. Our eyes met for a long, cold moment.

I tore my eyes away and returned my attention to Kelsey, who had launched into a conversation with Claire.

Eventually, the group ordered their drinks and went to go settle down in a booth. I refused to look at Maria again but I couldn't shake the feeling that she was watching me. It was probably in my head and I told myself that I shouldn't flatter myself.

I focused on my beer until Kelsey announced it was time to pay out and hit the road. Grateful, I gave the bartender my card to cover my drinks and got out of the bar as fast as possible.

"Indigo! Where are you going?" Brittny called after me as she, Kelsey, and Claire stumbled out of the bar.

"I'm waiting on you," I said.

"Did you know someone back there?" Kelsey asked.

"I recognized a few of the sorority girls," I said. "I didn't want to accidentally get stuck in a conversation with them."

"Ugh. Sorority girls," Brittny said, rolling her eyes.

"Bitches," Claire spat.

"You're telling me," I said. "Now, where are we going next?"

"One more stop," Kelsey said, walking over to lead the way. The girls followed.

"How can you still hold drinks down?" I asked.

"Remember what I said," Kelsey said. "You're young. Have fun. Live it up a little."

"Sure, but I might need a water first," I replied.

"Boo!" Brittny shouted. "No water for you!"

"Yeah, don't be a baby," Claire said.

"At least have one more shot," Kelsey said.

"Do I look like someone who is susceptible to peer pressure?" I asked them.

"One more shot?" Kelsey asked.

I gave her a long look. "I'll think about it."

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