34. Perspective

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A few nights later, Theodore invited me over to his apartment for dinner. As much as I was looking forward to seeing him, I wasn't pleased with the prospect of having to discuss the Marcy incident. What she said was embarrassing, and it fed into some of my deep rooted insecurities about my relationship.

"I spoke to Marcy," Theodore said as he went about cooking us dinner. I stood in the kitchen with him, watching him work.

"Oh," I said without enthusiasm.

"She said she didn't mean to make you cry; she was just trying to help."

I wondered if she told him explicitly how she decided to go about "helping" me.

"I told her to leave my students alone," he looked over at me. "I didn't want to be specific."

"Right," I said, leaning against the counter.

"She told me she told you to stop dropping by my office so often," he said. "But, I have a feeling it was a little more than that."

"She called me sad and pathetic and a stalker," I said.

"She what?" Theodore implored.

I shrugged.

"She has no business talking to you like that," he said. "I'm very disappointed in her."

"There was nothing I could say," I said. "I knew she was lying when she said that you thought I was sad."

"She said that?" Theodore was growing upset.

"It's not like it's true," I said.

"Of course, it's not true!"

I let out a long exhale. "It still hurt to hear," I confessed.


"I don't know. I guess I still worry that I'm not good enough for you."

"Indigo," he said, wiping off his hands with a dish towel. He walked over and took my face in his hands. "Why would you think that."

"Because," I said, looking away and brushing his hands aside. "You're you, and I'm..."

"You're what?"

"Just a sad, pathetic, lovestruck student."

"Indy," he said, gently tilting my face to look at him. "You anything but that. You're everything to me. Don't mind what Marcy said. She's wrong. She doesn't know how I feel about you. She has not idea what she's talking about."

I forced a weak smile, my mood still dampened.

"You mean the world to me," he said. "It doesn't matter what anyone else says to thinks. What matters is how you and I feel for each other. That's all that matters."

"Okay," I said.

"Marcy won't be our problem for much longer, anyway," Theodore said, returning his attention back to preparing dinner. "She graduates in a few months and we'll never have to see her again."

"True," I said, feeling comforted.

"And you will be a graduate, as well, and we won't have to sneak around anymore," he reminded me.

"Yeah, we can finally be a normal couple," I smiled.

"Just hang in there, okay? And don't listen to Marcy. Her opinion doesn't matter."

"I know."

"Speaking of graduation," Theodore said after a moment, "I've been meaning to talk to you about something."

"Oh, yeah?" My heart leapt in my chest. I couldn't tell from his tone if it was good or bad. It wasn't long before I found out.

"I know you're staying in student housing," he said. "And once you graduate you'll have to find somewhere else to live."

"Yeah," I said.

"Well," Theodore said, keeping his eyes focused on the food. "I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me."

"What?" I asked, my heart hammering in my chest. Certainly I hadn't heard him correctly.

Theodore looked over his shoulder at me. "I want you to move in with me."

"Oh, wow," I said, taken aback. I hadn't expected him to say that, not at all.

"You don't have to, of course," Theodore said. "It was just an idea."

"I'd love to move in," I said. "Only if you're sure, though."

"I'm more than sure," he said, smiling. "I've been thinking about it for a while."

"Really?" The thought hadn't crossed my mind.

"I've been waiting to ask because I wasn't sure what you'd think. I'm glad you're not repulsed by the idea."

"I'm here about as often as I can be," I chuckled. "I think it only makes sense."

"You're not worried it's too soon?"

"No," I said. "I mean, it's a little fast, but I don't mind. I have a good feeling about us."

"Me, too," Theodore agreed. "I would like to be with you for a long time."

I blushed and was grateful that he was looking in the other direction so he wouldn't see the big silly smile on my face. I was beyond ecstatic. Theodore was more than I could've ever asked for and as time went on our future together became more clear. I thoroughly looked forward to it, and with this latest update things between us were looking better than ever.

That night we ate dinner together and I spent the night. I couldn't bring myself to leave him. I would suffer in the morning, waking up early and rushing back to my apartment to get ready for the day, but it was worth it. I loved Theodore and I cherished every moment I had with him. I was content knowing that he felt the same way. All we had to do was power through the last couple of months of the school year and we could finally be together the right way, the way we wanted.

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