31. Spotted

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Days later, I had a break in between my classes and decided to go to the library to get some work done instead of walking all the way back to my apartment. I found an empty table on the first floor, which was one large room, and pulled out my iPad before surveying my notes. None of my classes were particularly difficult so far, but I still had to stay on top of my homework.

After working on my school work for about forty-five minutes, I looked up from my screen to give my eyes a break. Across the room I spotted Theodore talking to a couple of other faculty members. From the looks of it, he hadn't seen me, so I ducked my head down and pretended to focus on my work.

I peeked up at him a few times and even spent some time envisioning him naked. Eventually, he and his coworkers left the library through the glass double doors at the front of the room.

Feeling particularly pathetic, I packed my things up in my bookbag and crossed the room, stopped by the tall glass windows adjacent to the double doors. I could see Theodore and his colleagues walk down the tall flight of steps down to the cobblestone sidewalk below. They turned left and I seriously considered following after them.

I shook my head in an attempt to get myself to snap out of it. Where was this coming from? All because Marcy was being rude. She wasn't just being rude; she was territorial of Theodore. It irritated me beyond belief.

I exited the library, walked down the steps and turned left.

I must be out of my mind, I thought as I followed the direction Theodore and his colleagues went. I walked the path until I spotted Theodore again, now by himself, entering a coffee shop. I followed.

The coffee shop was small, and I knew I'd have nowhere to hide. Still, I casually stood in line a few people behind Theodore. Part of me hoped he wouldn't notice me, but most of me was dying for attention. I desperately wanted my fix.

Theodore ordered his drink and went to go stand at the other end of the counter to wait for his order. He was looking toward the espresso machines and didn't seem to see me.

After I ordered my drink, I stood back against the wall, leaving several people between Theodore and myself. Suddenly I felt a wave of guilt for following him around. It was weird and creepy. I felt like a little lovesick schoolgirl, following her favorite teacher around. How pitiful.

I hung back as Theodore was handed his drink and he turned to head for the door. I thought I was in the clear when he glanced over and caught me. He looked surprised and I looked away quickly, ignoring him. I was so embarrassed even though he had no idea where I'd come from.

He left the coffee shop and I waited for my drink in shame. Once I grabbed my latte I headed outside, only to be caught again by Theodore, who was waiting outside.

"Indigo," he said. "What are the odds?"

"Pretty high," I replied. "This seems to happen to us a lot."

"Where are you heading?" he asked.

"The English department."

"That's on the way to my classroom."

"I know." I was painfully aware of where his classroom was in comparison to all of my classes.

"Would you mind if I walked with you?" he asked.

"Only if you don't think it'll look weird."

"I think we'll be fine," he smiled.

Theodore and I began our way across campus, chatting lightly. It was wonderful to see him during the day and I suddenly didn't feel so bad about stalking him a little.

"Do you work tonight?" he asked as we passed the library.

"Yeah, I do," I replied.

"That's a shame."

My heart fluttered in my chest. It was tempting to call in, but I didn't think Huey would appreciate that, and he was already doing me a huge favor by keeping his mouth shut.

"I don't work Thursday," I offered.

"Yeah?" Theodore said, pleased.

"Hey, Theodore," a voice, Marcy's, called after us. Theodore and I turned and saw that she was quickly approaching.

"Hey, Marcy. How are you?" he asked her pleasantly when she caught up with us.

"I'm good! I'm heading for the classroom. I'm assuming you're doing the same," she said.

"I am," Theodore said.

Marcy looked at me. Her eyes drifted down, then went back up to my face.

"Hi, Marcy," I said evenly.

She looked back at Theodore. "Do you mind if I walk with you? Since we're going to the same place?"

"Um, sure," Theodore said. "Indigo and I—"

"My class is right over there," I lied. "I gotta go."

I scuttled off quickly without saying goodbye. I felt angry and embarrassed by the way Marcy treated me. She had some nerve. Well, the joke was on her. Theo was mine.

As I took a different route to get to class, staying out of sight of Marcy and Theodore, I wished that I had someone to confide in about all of this mess. Sure, Huey knew, but he wasn't usually the kind of person I could open my heart up to. At that moment, I truly missed Maria. She would've gotten a kick out of Marcy. She would've known just the right thing to say to her, even if it were things I'd never be able to say.

I sighed before walking through the doors of the English building. I wish I could sit around and mope about my problems all day but I had a class to get to.

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