20. Parting

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Tuesday, the last day of classes before Thanksgiving, approached surprisingly quickly, and at the very end of my day I visited Theodore in his office, just at the end of his office hours.

"What a surprise, seeing you here," he teased when I entered the room.

"I haven't been by that often," I said, resisting the urge to rush over and hug him from behind his desk.

"Yes, unfortunately, you've been very good about that," he said, standing.

I stood at the edge of his desk, perpendicular from where he stood, leaving a respectable distance between us. I hated it, but it was necessary.

"What brings you in?" he asked.

"You, obviously," I said, glancing over my shoulder to make sure the door was securely shut. It was.

"Should I still expect you for Thanksgiving?" he asked.

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Theodore smiled.

"Does that make me sound desperate?"

"A little, but I like it," he teased me.

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Yes, I'll be there. What time?"

"I'll text you."

"Okay. Should I bring anything?"

"Just yourself."

"Okay," I smiled, stepping around the desk, closer to him.

"Do you need help with your homework, Ms. Mears?" Theodore asked playfully.

"No," I said, standing in front of him. My heart hammered in my chest and my breath came and went a little more shallow than usual.

I studied his face for a moment, enjoying the view, before I looped my arm around his neck and pulled him into me for a kiss.

Instead of pushing me away, he wrapped his arms around my waisted and pulled me closer and he returned the kiss. I rested my other hand on his chest as we continued to kiss, savoring our moment of weakness.

"Indigo," he murmured into my lips.

"I know," I breathed. I kissed him again, unable to help myself. He kissed me and we were back at it, the intensity increasing with each passing moment we spent in each other's arms.

Heat pooled at the apex of my thighs and I found Theodore more and more difficult to resist. I wanted him, then and there.

Theodore pulled away from the kiss and stepped half a step back. I dropped my arms and he cupped my cheeks with his palms as he looked down at me. His eyes were warm and tender as he studied my face.

"Perhaps this isn't the right venue for this," he said.

"I'm having a hard time caring," I replied.

Theodore let me go, dropping his arms to his sides. "You'll be over at my apartment in a few days."

"That's not soon enough," I replied.

"I think you'll be fine," he smiled.

"You're really going to leave me hanging like this?"

"What's the rush?"

"Are you messing with me?" I asked.

"Maybe a little."

I heaved a sigh and smoothed out my skirt. "If you insist on being good today."

"Just for today," he assured me.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Theo said, taking another step away from me. I returned to the other edge of the desk before Marcy walked in.

"Hey, Marcy. I'm sure you remember Indigo," Theodore said, gesturing toward me.

"Yeah, I do. Hi," she said. Then, to Theo, "I'm just stopping by to drop off the worksheets before I leave for break."

"Thank you. I can take them," he said, stepping towards her. "I'll get them entered into the system before I leave today."

Marcy handed over the pile of paper with a warm smile for him.

"Working late?" she asked him.

"A little. I was just wrapping up my office hours."

"I see," she said with a quick glance in my direction. "I can input these grades for you if you'd like."

"Don't worry about it. Go enjoy your break."

"Okay, thanks," Marcy nodded. She looked at me briefly before throwing one last smile at Theodore before leaving. Notably, she left the door wide open.

Theodore kept his professional demeanor when he addressed me. "Is there anything else I can help you with before I get to putting these grades in?"

"No, that was it. Thanks," I said. I knew there was a non zero chance of Marcy standing outside listening.

"Have a nice break, Indigo," he said.

"Thanks," I said lamely. "You, too."

I left without hesitation and when I got out into the hallway, I looked both ways to see if I could spot Marcy. I didn't see her, but there were several doors in the hallway she could've been hiding behind.

Maybe I was just being paranoid again.

I dejectedly walked back to my apartment, unable to shake the feeling that Marcy was lurking around the corner, watching me.

Next time I'd have to stick to the rules. It was too risky not to.

* * *

When I got back to my apartment I flopped onto my bed and shot Maria a text.

Indigo: hey, are you in town for the break?

Maria: no i'm leaving for home tomorrow. why?

Indigo: huey wants to hang out, thought i could try to rope you into it

Maria: sorry can't

Indigo: guess it's just the two of us then

Maria: what's wrong with that?

Indigo: nothing. we just see each other at work so i don't know what we'd talk about that we don't already do on the clock

Maria: huey is fun, you'll have a good time

Indigo: yeah i guess

Maria: what's wrong

Indigo: idk he was just being annoying because i haven't asked him for help with my homework. i just don't want him getting too attached to me.

Maria: why not? i like huey. huey is nice.

Indigo: hello, i'm already taken. plus i don't see huey like that

Maria: then tell him that

Indigo: idk i don't want things to be weird at work. i like things the way they are. uncomplicated.

Maria: suit yourself. just rain check or something. say you caught a cold or something.

Indigo: i'll think about it.

Maria: or you could be a good friend and actually go

Indigo: yeah we'll see. i'll let you know how it goes.

Maria: you better

I turned off my phone screen and dropped it on my bedside table. I'd hoped Maria would be more sympathetic to my plight but she'd always kind of hoped that something would happen between Huey and me. Of course she would take his side.

Still undecided on what to do with Huey, I shifted my thoughts over to Theodore and I spent the rest of the night listening to music and imagining how nice it will be to spend the upcoming holiday with him.

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