Chapter 50

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Sorry for the crazy long wait 😅
I've been busy with life stuff so didn't have any time to write anything or even go on wattpad so I'm definitely going to try and get better at updating.

Sophie POV:

As Keefe and I played with our new furry companion, the tranquility of the moment shattered with the arrival of Biana and Fitz.

Willow's excited yips echoed in response to the newcomers, while Keefe's mischievous grin hinted at trouble.

Biana's eyes widened incredulously as she surveyed the scene before her. "What on earth is that?" she exclaimed, pointing at the golden retriever puppy cradled in Keefe's arms.

Equally confused, Fitz echoed her sentiment. "Is that... a dog?"

Keefe's grin widened as he proudly introduced Willow. "Meet Willow, our latest addition to the family."

Biana raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. "Is this some sort of test, Sophie? Checking if Keefe has what it takes to be a dad?"

Heat rushed to my cheeks as I stumbled over my words. ", not at all! It's just a... gift."

Fitz looked at Keefe skeptically. "How do you plan to take care of a puppy, Keefe? You can barely remember to feed yourself."

Keefe gasped dramatically, feigning offense. "Hey, I'll have you know I'm amazing with animals. Foster is the brains of the operation anyways so I wouldn't even stress about it."

Willow barked in agreement, her tail wagging excitedly.

Leaning in with a mischievous glint, Biana teased, "Looks like you've landed yourself a real catch, Sophie. A guy who can handle a puppy is definitely a keeper."

I buried my face in my hands. "Please shut up."

Meanwhile, Fitz cautiously approached Willow. As he tentatively extended his hand to pet her, Willow responded with enthusiastic licks.

Fitz recoiled in horror, his expression a mixture of shock and disgust. "Eww, gross! Keep it away from me!"

Laughter erupted among the group at Fitz's expense, with Willow joining in with joyful barks.

Fitz wiped his hand on the grass, a look of horror still etched on his face. "That's it, I'm scarred for life."

Keefe burst into laughter. "Oh, come on, Fitz! It's just a little puppy love. You'll get used to it."

Biana joined in, giggling at Fitz's expense. "Looks like you're not as tough as you thought, Fitz."

Fitz shot them both a glare, but it was clear he was more amused than annoyed. "Just you wait, I'll get my revenge."

I couldn't help but laugh at the scene unfolding before me.

Despite the chaos, it felt good, to be surrounded by friends, and Keefe too, even if one of them was currently traumatized by a puppy.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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