Chapter 35

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We barely escaped the massive wall, but our troubles weren't over yet.

Suddenly, a deafening explosion erupted from beneath the ground, unleashing a powerful force that sent us hurtling through the air. In that split second, Ro couldn't help but let go of us, and I instinctively reached out, snatching Foster in my arms, pulling her close to me as we tumbled through the chaotic sky.

With a bone-jarring impact, we crash-landed in a dark, hollow opening, surrounded by a jumble of huge rocks that sealed us in like a prison.

The air was thick with dust, and I could feel the sting of Foster's head injury as blood trickled down her temple, as I held her hand tightly.

My own side throbbed with a searing pain, the deep wound reminding me of the danger we were facing.

"Soph, are you alright?" I whispered, my voice laced with concern.

She winced, clutching her head. "I-I think so," she replied, her voice shaky. "What about you, Keefe?"

I grimaced, trying to hide the pain. "I'll manage," I assured her, my voice strained.

As we assessed our surroundings, we realized that Ro's attempts to reach us were in vain.

We were trapped, wounded, and the only sound that echoed through the darkness was the pounding of our hearts.

What happens next?

"Funkyhair!Blondie!" I can't get you out, I think our best bet is to go get help."

"Ok." Foster replies, she's trying to hide it but she's obviously in pain, she looks like she's about to faint.

"Take care of each other. I'll be back soon."

And then she was gone.

Now it's just me and my girlfriend, both bleeding out, both beaten and bruised and cut all over, both in a lot of pain but too stubborn to admit it.

"You ok Foster?" I ask gently.

She cuddles in close to me, on the side without the little jagged rock sticking out of it of course.

"I'm cold Keefe."

"I know babe." I say softly, wrapping in my arms, trying to help her weak, freezing cold body, become somewhat warm.

"I'm so tired." The blood is streaming down her face, and I start to panic.

I've got to do something. I pull away from her carefully and rip a strip of my cape.

"I'm gonna wrap this on your head to stop the bleeding, ok?"

"Mhm hmm." She replied sleepily.

No. She can't go to sleep. I don't know if she'll wake up again if she does.

I wrap it around tightly, my hands shaking when she start to whimper with the pain.

"I'm sorry babe." I try to comfort her.

When I'm done, she starts to cry quietly, leaning back into me.

"Are you ok Keefe?"

I laugh in shock. "Typical of you to ask me how I am."

"Your in just as much pain as me." She replied simply.

I kiss her lips gently.

"I love you."

She smiled up at me."Love you too."

"We're gonna be ok." I say reassuringly.

But I think I'm trying to convince myself that more than her.

Still Stuck Out in the Same Old Storm ~ sokeefe storyWhere stories live. Discover now