Chapter 44

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Third person:

The meeting room buzzed with tension as Dex entered, glaring at Fitz, who trailed behind him, looking sheepish.

"What did you do to my gadget, Fitz?" Dex demanded, holding up the now partially broken invention.

Fitz scratched his head nervously. "It was an accident, Dex. I didn't know it was that fragile."

Tam and Biana were embroiled in a heated argument about the best combat techniques, each defending their preferred approach with stubbornness. Biana exclaimed, "Tam, sometimes you've got to embrace a little flair in your fighting style!"

Tam retorted, "Flair? I'd take efficiency over flair any day."

Sophie and Keefe, seated together, shared a moment of laughter until, in a twist of fate, Sophie accidentally poked Keefe in the eye while gesturing animatedly.

Keefe winced, rubbing his eye. "Ouch! Foster, what was that for?"

Sophie, flustered, apologized profusely, but in her attempt to make amends, she ended up accidentally stepping on Keefe's foot.

Keefe winced again. "Okay, Foster, maybe you should sit still for a minute."

Sophie sighed. "I'm sorry, Keefe. I don't know why I keep doing this."

Keefe raised an eyebrow. "Maybe you're just a walking danger zone."

Sophie shot back, "Maybe you're just accident-prone."

"I'm accident prone!?"

As they continued their bickering, Marella and Linh walked into the meeting room, exchanging puzzled glances at the chaotic scene before them.

Marella whispered to Linh, "Did we miss something?"

Linh shook her head. "I have no idea, but it seems like everyone's on edge."

As Marella and Linh found their seats, the chaos in the room seemed to intensify. Dex continued to glare at Fitz, Tam and Biana argued passionately, and Sophie and Keefe were now in a full-fledged debate about who was more accident-prone.

Marella leaned over to Linh, whispering, "I thought these meetings were supposed to be serious."

Linh shrugged, "Apparently, not this one."

And so, the meeting unfolded in a symphony of arguments and bickering, leaving Marella and Linh to wonder how they had stumbled into what felt like a chaotic sitcom.

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