Chapter 47

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Dex P.O.V

The echoes of laughter and hurried footsteps filled the bustling school hallway. Sophie and I were at our lockers, engaged in a conversation about the latest project when the distant sound of bickering reached our ears.

Turning, we saw Keefe and Mr. Forkle approaching, their exchange escalating with each step.

"You can't just pull pranks whenever you feel like it, Keefe," Mr. Forkle's stern voice carried.

Keefe shot back, "But where's the fun in that, Forkle?"

Sophie rolled her eyes, a mix of exasperation and fondness in her expression. "Can't he go a single day without causing trouble?"

I couldn't help but smile at the predictable yet entertaining dynamics unfolding before us. The bell rang, but Sophie stayed put, and I did too, but just to see if anything exciting happened.

As they got closer, Sophie, sensing the situation escalating, stepped forward. "Come on, Keefe. Let's not do this now."

Mr. Forkle's stern gaze lingered on Keefe, but Sophie's intervention seemed to cool the heated exchange for a minute. However, Keefe, ever the troublemaker, didn't back down.

"Why, Foster? Worried I'll expose some of your secrets?" Keefe teased, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Sophie sighed, her frustration evident. "Keefe, not now. We have class."

Mr. Forkle, though maintaining his serious facade, seemed to appreciate Sophie's attempt to defuse the situation. "Miss Foster is correct. We have more important matters to attend to."

Keefe, however, continued to push the boundaries. "Oh, come on, Forkle. Don't you want to hear about the ingenious details of my latest prank?"

Sophie, knowing Keefe was only going to take it too far, decided to take matters into her own hands. She grabbed Keefe's arm and pulled him away from the lingering argument, muttering something about staying out of trouble.

As Sophie continued to drag Keefe away from the lingering argument, their voices faded into hushed tones. I couldn't help but chuckle at the unfolding scene.

Sophie's exasperation seemed to reach a new level, and just when I thought the situation had peaked, her voice cut through the air, "Keefe, you can't just keep pulling pranks."

Keefe, with that trademark grin, replied, "But it keeps life interesting, Foster."

Sophie chuckled, a hint of warmth softening her exasperation, "I think life is interesting enough just being around you without pranks."

With those words, she gave Keefe a quick, affectionate kiss. Keefe, caught off guard but gladly returning it, couldn't resist turning to me with a smug grin.

"And that's how it's done," he declared with a wink, before bursting into laughter.

I started laughing too, the weirdness of the situation catching me off guard.

Sophie, clearly not expecting Keefe's proclamation, whacked him on the arm, causing him to laugh even harder.

The laughter echoed in the hallway, a crazy type of laughter that lands you all in dentention for disrupting other classes.

Still Stuck Out in the Same Old Storm ~ sokeefe storyWhere stories live. Discover now