Chapter 16

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Keefe's P.O.V

Bronte led me into one of the council's many private offices.

Oralie and the Forklenator were there too.

I'm so confused. I have no idea what is happening.

"Keefe," Forkle starts "sorry to have you here on such short notice. I know you might be thinking this is about your father but for today, it's not. We've had some news. And we feel needs to be prioritised at the minute."

"Ok?" I have literally no clue what he just said. "What is it?"

"It's about your mother."

I suck in a breath. It's not good news then. It never is involving her.

I just thought that maybe.....maybe it was about Ro. I've hoped for months that they would find her. But my hope is dwindling by the day.

"We were planning to do a memory break on her, as you know." I nodded signalling for him to continue, even thought it makes my heart hurt. It's amazing how someone can break your heart but you can still love them with all the little pieces.

"But she told us something this morning. That's why we immediately came to get you.
She informed us that you have more abilities lined up to be unlocked."

"What?!" I gasp. No way this is happening. She already enhanced my empathy and gave me three other abilities. Two of which are super twisted and messed up.

"We know this is alot to take in." Oralie says softly.

"And there's still more to take in," Bronte interrupts "she claims that she has hidden the trigger for your new abilities somewhere in those ruins on the battlefield. She's stating that if you agreed to join her she would have unlocked them, then and there."

Forkle buts in "she's also saying that if you chose not to unlock them, there will be side effects."

I stand there for a minute. Frozen. Why was my life so messy?

"What type of side effects." I ask, worry is starting to creep in.

"She only said one actually. But it's pretty big. She's claiming that eventually it will cause a drastic personality change, probably when you least expect it."

My heart skips a beat. "What exactly happens?"

"Well," Oralie continues "it can cause confusion, delusions, a change in speech and behaviour, hallucinations and mood extremes. You'll basically be a different person."

"Ok," I can hear my heart pounding.

So that's why?

"We'll give you some time," Oralie says "to think things through. We'll need your answer soon though."

I nod. "Thank you for your time." I croak out, rushing right out of that room. I need to breath.

I leap to Havenfield. I need Foster.

She's not outside when I come back. I stumble to the door, not even bothering to knock as I burst in the door. Grady comes out of the kitchen giving me a disturbed look. I want to ask him where she is but I can't talk. I gasp for air, trying to calm down.

Grady rushes over to me as I drop to my knees. He kneels down beside, speaking softly. Not very Grady-like at all. "Keefe. Listen to me. Calm down. Deep breaths, ok?"

We're there for a few minutes until I'm calm again. "Sorry." I say quietly. I don't know who this is and what they've done to Grady but it's scaring me.

"No need to apologise."

The door to the sitting room opens. Revealing a room full of pretty much, our whole friend group. Just my luck.

Still Stuck Out in the Same Old Storm ~ sokeefe storyWhere stories live. Discover now