9 || The Nightmare Becomes True

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Another few weeks had passed.

We were in psychology class and I had Jace beside me when my phone started to go off.

Lucky me, it was on silent but on vibrate so every two seconds there was this god awful buzzing sound.

Eventually, I just turned it off.

"Who's calling you?" Jace said from beside me.


"Don't know, I'll call them back at lunch." I shrugged 

"Anyways, since your BFF isn't at school today and you don't have any other friends as far as I know, would you like to sit with me and my friends at lunch today?" He batted his eyelashes whilst resting his chin on his crossed arms on the desk.

"Did you just call me friendless?" I said, tilting my head to the side.


"Asshole." I muttered.

"Cutie pie." He fires back.




"Miss Carter, Mr Leister. Do you have something to share with the rest of us? If not then I suggest keeping your mouths shut." She snaps and then went on teaching.

Jace and I laugh quietly.

"Sure," I said confidently.

"I'll walk with you after class."

 He then smiled at me like I was a ray of sunshine. I mean of course I fucking am.


After class he walks me to a table with a few people on the seats.

There's a blonde haired boy, a light brown haired boy, and a blond haired girl who all look at me welcomingly.

"Arabella, I'd like you to meet Noah," the blonde boy waved to me from his place on the bench, "and his boyfriend Kayden." This time the boy with the light brown hair waves as Noah pressed his head into Kayden's neck.

"And this is-"

"Shut the fuck up lil man, I can do the talking myself," the blonde girl sasses Jace, "I'm Sofia and that dipshit," she points to Noah," is my twin sadly."

Noah lifts his head up and waves his hands around, "the fuck did I ever do to you!" 

"Exist." She replies curtly.

I let out a little laugh. I like this bitch.

"Fuck you," he responds.

"Should have eaten you in the womb bitch," she sticks a certain finger up at him and he clutches his heart dramatically.

"Children." Jace interrupts. He motions for me to sit down and I do.

"So Arabella," Noah speaks up.

"Oh god he's gonna ask-"

"No he won't."

"Twenty bucks he will."

Noah ignores them as he turns his attention to me, " in order to be part of the cool kids, I'm going to ask you a very important question and you better answer right or else."

I looked around at them all but all their faces were blank.

"Which is superior, Marvel, or DC?" He leans forward on his elbows.

"Marvel by far."

He freezes for a second and it makes me think I said the wrong thing, or it was a trick question and it's both, but then he laughs loudly, "atta girl! It's official, you are my new bff."

I hear a groan and see Kayden hand Sofia a twenty dollar bill before putting and arm back around his boyfriend.

After a while of talking, Sofia asks for my number. Then the guys chime in and I give it to them too. I've already saved Jace's number because he said it was in case I needed help again.

Suddenly, I thought pops into my head. I forgot to call the person who rung my in class back.

"I've just remembered guys, I need to ring someone back real quick," I got up to leave when Jace followed me.

"Hey, I meant what I said about calling or messaging me. For anything. No questions asked, ok?" I nodded, unsure of where this was coming from. He seemed satisfied with my response and walked back to the table, leaving me alone again.

I unlock my phone and I, greeted with 45 WhatsApp notifications, 99+ on Snapchat and 20 emails.

The fuck?

I open the first one I see which happens to be a link to a news website and the headline makes my heart stop.

Matthew Carter released on parole after two year sentence.

That's when I take off running.

That's when I take off running

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