35 || Monster

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AN: 😉🧐



My eyes fluttered open to darkness, the weight of unconsciousness slowly lifting from my mind. Confusion clouded my thoughts as I struggled to make sense of my surroundings. Where was I? What had happened?

I unconsciously went to run my hands through my hair. My hands that were bound individually behind my back to what I believed was a metal pole. My feet were also tied with rope.

Before I could gather my bearings, a figure loomed in the shadows, stepping closer until his face was inches from mine. My heart thundered in my chest as I recoiled, my body tense with fear.

"Arabella," a voice whispered, sending shivers down my spine. It was a voice I knew all too well—a voice from nightmares long buried.

"Aaron," I breathed, the name escaping me before I could stop it. Aaron's face swam into focus, his features contorted with an unsettling mixture of emotion.

He reached out a hand, his fingers brushing against my cheek. I flinched at the touch, the memories of our last encounter still fresh in my mind. But this was different—there was no hostility in his touch, only a strange sort of tenderness.

"Why, Aaron? Why are you doing this?" I asked, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and disbelief.

Before he could respond, the door creaked open, and a figure stepped into the room, bathed in the dim light that spilled from the hallway. My heart lurched as recognition washed over me—a face I hadn't seen in years, yet one that haunted my dreams.

"Dad?" The word escaped me in a whisper, disbelief coloring my tone. What was he doing here? How was any of this possible? He was supposed to be a few months out of jail, at least a hundred miles away.

How had he known where I was? 

His eyes, once warm and familiar, now held a hardness I had never seen before. He approached slowly, his footsteps echoing in the silence of the room.

"Arabella," he said, his voice rough with emotion. "I've missed you, sweetheart. I want us to be a family again." 

A family? The word echoed in my mind, a cruel mockery of the love and warmth it once held. How could he stand there and speak of family after everything that had happened?

Anger flared within me, hot and fierce. "A family?" I spat, the bitterness in my voice unmistakable. "You nearly killed me and drove Mom to suicide! You have a fucking gun to my head! And before that, you left us to fend for ourselves, to pick up the pieces while you got drunk and high every night!"

My voice rose before a quick pain flashed on my face as my head snapped to the side as I lifted my gaze, dazed at the force of the slap.

My father's expression faltered, a flicker of pain crossing his features before he regained his composure. "I know I made mistakes, Arabella. But I'm here now, and I want to make things right. We can start over, put the past behind us."

His words fell on deaf ears, drowned out by the roar of betrayal and anger that surged within me. How could he stand there, pretending that everything could be forgiven with a few empty promises?

"But, because I know you have people here that will no doubt come looking for you, I will give you once chance to send a letter to one person. Any messages for help will result in the letter being burned and I'll write one for you and you won't get to say goodbye. Ok?" He said harshly.

"Ok" I responded timidly, shrinking away when he got too close.

He undid my right hand restraint and handed me a piece of paper and a pen using gloves so he didn't get his finger prints in it and incriminate himself.

Slowly, in shaky writing, I begin to write:

Dear Jace,

The first time I saw you I felt a range of emotions but one stood out most of all. Of all the things I thought I'd feel, I never thought I'd feel  truly and utterly in love. Perhaps it was the excitement of being able to talk to someone who actually understood me, or maybe just someone to speak to full stop. Despite this, I feel like  it was a brief stage of my life. Right now, I am on my way to somewhere where I can be better, do better. Although I know I'll miss you and Delilah and the gang, I feel it is a necessary step for me. When you look back at this, I don't want you to cry for what could have been. Enjoy what was. Relay this message to Noah, Kayden and Sophia as well, this applies to them too.

Happiness isn't something I believed in before I met you all. Even in my darkest moments, you all helped me find the light and positivity. Luck is a powerful thing and I might just have gotten lucky getting to know you all. Please don't let my departure bring you all down, know it's all for the best.

Another message for you Jace. Arguments are a healthy thing for a relationship are they not, helps them grow like I hope you will continue to do without me. Remember the good times. One day, I'll meet you in the meadow again. Not anytime soon I don't think.

Don't let me hold you all back from your true potential. Although you are my closest friends, I have to say goodbye.

Do not be sad about the situation, and perhaps I will see you all again one day.


From Arabella.

I felt a tear fall down my face as I folded the letter up and handed it back to my father. He inspected it for a minute, skimming the lines, and then gave a brisk nod to Aaron who took it.

"I'll have it delivered to the school tomorrow." My father said, leaving back in the chair in front of me.

"Thank you." I said before looking up at the ceiling. I only knew it was safe to close my eyes when I heard the sound of the door closing.

I was so tired.

Maybe now, I could rest.

Maybe now, I could rest

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