17 || We All Scream For Ice Cream (Or Not)

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Also thank you to my proof reader and mistake finder Ashley



We decide just to go straight for ice cream after picking Delilah up.

"Delilah gets a bit energetic after leaving school," he turns to me, "so she may bet a bit...huggy. If it makes you uncomfortable, I'll tell her to stop, ok?"

I nod, "I don't mind, really. She's a good kid I know she means no harm."

We get out of the car and I follow him because to be honest, I had no idea this place fucking existed. It's a cute school with trimmed hedges and neatly cared for grass areas.

Just then, the bell rings and I can't help but flinch at the noise, my anxiety spiking. Sensing my discomfort, Jace takes my hand in his and starts tracing circles on it with his thumb, "you're ok love."

I tighten my grip on his hand as all the children burst out, screaming and shouting.

The screams are loud.

So loud.

It reminds me of when I used to scream. But screaming was useless and got me nowhere.

So one day I just stopped.

"JACIEEEE!" I hear a voice approach us and look around to see Jace's little sister running towards us.

"Hello, Lilah," he says as he gets a great big big off of Delilah and then she turns to me.

"ARABELLA! You're here!"

"I am." I don't really know what to say to that because it's a more of a statement rather than a question.

She runs up and gives me a hug this time and I tense at the action, "Delilah-"

"Jace, I'm ok," I say, gingerly wrapping my hands around Delilah and relaxing slightly. I look up at Jace to see him smiling.

"Ok , we can go home now," Delilah says, pulling back from the hug.

Jace let's out a very dramatic sigh.

"Aw man. Here I thought we were going to get ice cream," he fake pouts.

"ICE CREAM? Can Arabella come please!" She elongates the 'e' and puts on her best puppy dog eyes. I stifle a giggle, knowing I'm already coming anyway.

"That's the plan," Jace says as he ruffles her hair to which she gives him the nastiest glare I ever thought possible from a young girl.

I think she's about 12 maybe? I've never really asked Jace.

About twenty minutes later, we pull up to the ice cream place and Jace orders a mint chocolate chip, Delilah orders a strawberry, and I order a chocolate.

"I think strawberry is better personally, no offence Jacie, but mint chocolate chip is weird. Like you." I snort at Delilah's little rant.

He gives her a hurt look and clutches his hand to his heart, "you wound me, little sister."

"Don't get me wrong, the chocolate chips are alright, it's just the mint. Like brushing your teeth then eating chocolate. EUGH! Arabella has real taste, I mean chocolate is the best!" She talks quickly.

"So the why didn't you get it, sister mine?" Jace raises an eyebrow.

"Because, I wanted strawberry today to switch it up a bit, brother mine." She mocks.

I swear she's a mini version of me. A sassy bitch who lives for drama. I've never wanted a sister more than I do now. Screw it. I'm adopting this child 

We talk for a while about classes and Delilah talks about her school project where she has to make a working volcano. I'm grateful for once that I don't have to talk. Whether it be about my feelings or thoughts.

I do, however, begin to feel my eyes getting heavy while Delilah it's giving a detailed explanation of every season of  'Stranger Things'.

"Sleep if you need to love," Jace says next to me. 

I'm too tired to even think so I don't hesitate before I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. Within a matter of seconds, I'm out like a light.


I feel a gentle hand on the side of my face and hear, "Bella." 

Slowly, I open my eyes and peer up to see a smiling Jace. He tells me it's time to go as he stokes my cheek with his thumb. I nod and get up, glancing at the clock and realising it had only been ten minutes, it felt a lot longer.

We get outside and I stretch my legs, " come on," Jace says to both of us as we reach the car where Delilah gets in the back, Jace in the drivers side and me about to get in the passengers seat.

That was until I felt a sense of dread wash over me. It felt horrible. It felt like I was being watched. Quickly, I turned around to see a figure in black across the road watch me for a few seconds before pressing a finger to, what I think is their lips underneath the black balaclava, and then retreats back into the shadows of the alley. 

The fuck?

"Bella?" Jace calls from inside the car.

"Yeah, sorry. Thought I saw something, must have been a stray cat." 

That's the last thing I say before I get into the car and we drive back to Jace's house.

But there's one last thing I need to ask Jace about in private, because of tomorrow and I can't bare to be alone for it.

But there's one last thing I need to ask Jace about in private, because of tomorrow and I can't bare to be alone for it

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