2 || A New Friend

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I pick up my backpack as soon as the bell rings for the end of first period which earns me a strange look from the boy next to me.

All throughout the class, girls had been looking back at us and communicating in whispers which max me feel immensely uncomfortable.

Walking down the hallway I pull up my hood and stuff my hands in my pockets.

I find my locker and begin to open it when a force slams against it and forces it shut.

Turning to the side, I find a blond haired girl with her hand against my locker with a group of other girls who sneer at me.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing sitting with my boyfriend?" She hisses at me.

"Who?" I ask innocently.

"Jace, you bitch and you know it!"

"If he's your boyfriend why weren't you sat next to him," I say with no emotion on my face.

The few girls around her gasp like me talking back was a crime.

"Don't fucking answer me back you bitch, or I'll fuck you up," she stands up straight.

Fuck this.

I walk over to her so my face is in her own and whisper in her ear," I'm already more fucked up then you think, trust me I've been in juvie multiple times for knocking bitches like you out."

Ok maybe it's not the full truth. I have been to juvie but only once for sending a girl to hospital with a concussion.

The lie works though as her eyes widen and she retreats as she says,"come on girls let's no waste our time."

I laugh as I watch their retreating figure.


I see movement out of the corner of my eye and see yet another girl waking towards me.

"Hi I just saw you talk back to Kayla Jones, SO FUCKING BADASS!" She says.

Despite myself, my mouth twitches up into what I believe is a smile.

"Thanks," I mumble.

"Name's Jess. Short for Jessica. But you can call me Jess," she rambles as she sticks out her hand for me to take which I don't.

Instead I make up for the gesture by introducing myself.

"Arabella, sorry I'm just not big on touch. Nothing personal," I give what I hope is a friendly smile.

"No problem! You're new right? I could show you around to your next class if you want?"

"Sure," I respond and hand her my schedule because this school is genuinely massive and like a maze.

She lets out something between a squeal and a giggle.

A squiggle.

"AH! You're in my class next! Come on I'll give you a grand tour on the way."

And she does just that. Telling my helpful stuff and random shit like the most popular make out spot is behind the sports shed, or that at least half the school have fucked in the janitor's closet. She says all this with a smile on her face without an ounce of false excitement.

I realise that I may have actually made a friend for the first time in two years.

I realise that I may have actually made a friend for the first time in two years

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