13 || Emerged In Darkness

117 19 5

AN: there will be a scene with a flashback of abuse so there will be a * when it starts and when it ends


I was kind of scare to see Jace after my rant.

I mean I spilled it all to him.

I walk into my first class - aka the class I'm in with Jace- psychology, and he is already sat down waiting for me.

His smile only grows when he sees me and as I take my seat, he rests his head on his fist, propped up by his shoulder.

"Good morning," he says.

"I'd say it's a good morning but I have to be in this hell hole," I pause," but I guess you make it a good morning and not a shit one."

"Are you flirting with me Carter?" He inquires, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I'm just saying that you..um..uh.," hurriedly trying to find a response.

"Aww, you make it a good morning too, love." He says, gazing at me.

"Again with the name?"

"Yes, it's cute. Like you," he adds under his breath.

"What was that? Didn't quite catch it," I say mockingly.

Before he can come us with a response, the teacher starts the class.

Partway through the class, Jace turns to me and asks ," What do you like to do?"

I turn my full attention on him, "For like fun?"

"Yeah, what are your hobbies and interests?"He nods.

"I'm good at puzzles." I say.

"Puzzles?" He repeats and I nod.

"One of my favourites is when you have a lot of writing, say a letter," he nods along, "and you have to look for the little clues. For example the first letter of every line or every capitalised letter, and together they make other, shorter words.." I cut myself off, realising I'm rambling.

"Don't stop," Jace says ," I like listening to your voice."

I blush deeply at what I think is a compliment.

"You'll have to show me some of these puzzles sometimes," he smiles at me and we get back to learning.


After class, Jace says he'll meet me at his and his friend's table while I go to my locker.

As I'm approaching, I hear whispers of girls.

"Can you believe her talking to Jace?"

"Like he'd be interested in her, she's such a slut."

"She needs to learn her place."

"What a bitch."

As a go to back away, my sneakers pull the least sneakiest thing possible and make the loading squeak known to man.

Fucking shoes.

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