Teammates, Lovers, and Controversy

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Harper POV:

As the celebrating wrapped up we shook hands with the other team before lining up together to get a picture for the news. When that was done we walked back to the benches to take off our cleats and shin guards. As I was stuffing the last of my stuff in my soccer bag I saw Riley being interviewed by a bunch of reporters. Her soccer jersey was still balled up in her hand, showing off the shirt underneath dedicated to her brother.

I shook my head with disgust. They couldn't ever leave her alone. All she did was try to pay respects to her brother and they take that as an invitation to torture her with questions. I quickly slung my soccer bag over my shoulder and walked over to the reporters and stood next to Riley. 

"I think that's enough questions for today." I said as I slung my arm over Riley's shoulders. She looked up at me with a soft smile and I could see the relief wash over her face. As we started to walk away one of the reporters spoke.

"Excuse me? Who are you to say that Riley can't speak with us? Your just her teammate Miss Fields, you have no say over if she can speak with us or not." The reporter said angrily. I was planning on ignoring him and continuing to walk away but Riley stopped in her tracks and turned to look at him angrily.

"Actually she's not just my teammate, she's my girlfriend. So if she says that we're leaving then we're leaving." Riley said trying to hide the anger in her voice. We then started walking away again as the reporters snapped pictures and spoke among themselves.

"Riley you just told everyone who follows soccer that your gay." I said in disbelief. "Yeah I did." She simply stated before grabbing my hand as we continued walking towards the exit of the field. "Aren't you worried about what people might think?" I said worriedly. 

Riley stopped and turned to look at me, still holding my hand. "I'm sorry I should've asked you before I announced our relationship to everyone. I'm not worried about what anyone thinks but if you are I completely understand..." Riley started rambling but I quickly cut her off with a kiss. Cameras flashed around us but neither of us seemed to care as I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her deeper.

When we finally pulled back she looked up at me with a smile. "Come on lets get out of here." She said. At the exit of the field stood Josh and Drew with the rest of our teammates who had played in the senior all star game.

"Hey love birds, party at the lake house. Everyone is invited from both teams." Josh stated. I turned to look at Riley. After today's game and being hounded about her brother I wasn't sure if she would be up for the event but when I looked over at her she was already looking at me. her eyes shone as a smile spread across her face.

"I'm down if you're down." Riley said. We both turned to look back at the group. "We'll be there." I stated to which they all smiled and cheered. Everyone walked out of the stadium towards their cars and drove off to Josh Ashton's lake house once again.


Harper POV:

"Hey I'm going to go get a drink. Do you want anything?" I asked Riley as we arrived at the party.

"No I'm good, thank you though." Riley said.

"Alright then, I'll meet you at the dance floor." I replied. Riley kissed me on the cheek before practically running over to the living room where everyone was dancing. I dug through the cooler before pulling out a Dr Pepper and popping the can open. I took a sip from my drink as I walked into the living room.

When I got there the song "Yeah!" by Usher was playing. I looked around but it wasn't long until I found Riley. She was in the middle of a crowd of people, the center of attention as always. She had on a pair of ridiculous sunglasses and a huge smile was across her face. She looked up to the ceiling and danced as everyone cheered her on.

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