The Season Opener

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This chapter is going to be a little longer than the past few. I had a lot of ideas that I needed to cram in. I don't really have a set schedule for when I will update this story. All I can say is I will update as often as possible. Thank you all for reading!


Harper POV:

The halls were booming with excitement. Everyone was talking about the game tonight. I tossed my backpack on the floor and sat down at my desk. There has never been so much talk and smiles during calc. I sat there waiting for Riley to show up. Normally I walk with her to class in the morning but today she was getting stopped by everyone and anyone wishing her luck for todays game. She had smiled at me and told me that she'd meet me in class.

Just before the bell rang she came strolling through the door. Her thumbs were looped into her backpack straps and she was sporting her signature smile. Since today was our season opener, the girls had decided to wear our home jerseys to school. The forest green and white jersey contrasted perfectly with Riley's summer tan, the number 8 etched into the front and back of her jersey.

Before sitting down next to me, she walked over to Josh Ashton's desk. She tossed her black jersey that we wear for away games on his desk. He stopped talking to his friends and turned to look at her. The two shared matching smiles. "Is this for me?" he said cockily. Riley responded with a chuckle. "You know it is."

My good mood from earlier was gone. Apparently it was a tradition on the team to give one of the boys your alternate jersey to wear at the opening game. The boys team had the same tradition, so next week at the boys season opener Riley would likely be sporting Josh Ashton's jersey to the game.


Why did she have to give him her jersey? She couldn't give it to any other guy on the team? The boys all cheered as Josh folded up Riley's jersey and placed it in his bag. She rolled her eyes with a smile and flipped them off before walking over to me.

She hopped into her desk next to me and turned to me with a smile. "You ready for the game today Fields?" she said. "Yeah but I don't know who to give my jersey to." I responded. She carefully looked around the room as she pondered.

"I bet you Drew would wear it." she said after a moment. I looked at her confused. "Who's Drew?"

"Drew is Josh's co-captain. He plays center midfield and he's hot. Anyone on the team would kill to have him wear their jersey." I laughed at her statement. "If everyone wants him to wear their jersey, what makes you think he will pick mine?" I replied.

Riley rolled her eyes playfully, that gorgeous smirk on her face. "Because you're also hot." she said. A blush joined the smile on my face. "Thanks Riley. I'll ask him at lunch." I said before turning away so she hopefully wouldn't see how red my face was becoming.


Riley POV:

It was game time. I have been looking forward to this all day. I sat on a bench in the locker room with my teammates all around me getting ready for the game. Kylie stood behind me, twisting my hair into french braids. I always had my hair braided for our games. It was like a superstition.

"Alright now braid mine." Kylie said as she finished up my braids. I swapped spots with her and started working on braiding Kylie's hair. At that moment Harper walked in wearing her number 13 Scranton soccer jersey. I froze for a second. Nobody has ever looked that good in a soccer jersey. Her eyes found mine and she smiled, and I returned her smile.

Kylie then whacked me in the arm. "Why'd you stop braiding?" she said. "My bad." I responded. I didn't even realize how long I had zoned out for.

When I finished up Kylie's hair, Harper walked over to me. She stuck her arm out towards me, holding two hair ties in her hand. "Could you do mine?" she asked. I nodded as I took the hair ties from her before she sat on the bench in front of me.

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