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Hi everyone! This is my first story so if you have any notice any errors or have any suggestions feel free to comment them! Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoy the story!


Riley POV:

We all have that one person from our past that no matter how hard we try, they are always there in the back of our minds. Harper Fields was that person to me. Don't ask why, because I'll never know. It's not like we were friends or anything, we never even talked. She was just always there. Every memory I have, she's there. She was just a friendly face. One of those people who smiles at you and you take comfort in seeing them. But when it came time for high school, she moved away.

I don't know where she went or why. I always assumed she went to a better school to get recognized for soccer. When she left, there was this small pit of sadness in my heart. Why? I didn't even know this girl but I couldn't get used to the thought of not seeing her smile at me. She was like the comfort character in my favorite show.

If you couldn't tell I think about her a lot. I hope that wherever she is, shes doing okay. Even though I don't think it's possible, I hope to see Harper Fields again some day.

Harper POV: 

The summer before freshman year of high school, I moved away. You would think that the hardest thing about moving is leaving all your friends behind, but for me? It wasn't. 

There was this girl, Riley Sader. No matter where I went growing up she was always there. Every time I would go down to the fields to practice, she would be there. I'd walk over and she'd move her cones and drills aside to make room for me, and I'd smile at her. 

We never talked. I don't know why. I think I was always just too scared to talk to her. Everybody knew her as the best soccer player in our town. I guess I just assumed that I could never be friends with someone that popular.

But now, as I sit in the back seat of our family car, my head resting against the window and music quietly playing in my headphones, I think about one person. Riley Sader and how leaving some random girl I never knew hurt more than leaving all my friends behind. 

I saw my dad turn on the blinker and I sat up slightly. There it was. The exit to Scranton Vermont, my home town.  "We're here!" my dad announced. A small smile spread across my face with one person on my mind.

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