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Riley POV:

There are two things that no lesbian should do yet every single one does. It's like we can't learn from each others mistakes. But anyways, the first thing is falling in love with your friend. While Harper and I weren't necessarily friends growing up she was always in my life. So I consider her a friend at first. 

The second thing is being in love with your ex, or more specifically, not getting over your first love. It's now March and Harper broke up with me in November. It's been four months. Four months and I'm still hopelessly in love with her. And she's more than over me.

I sighed and turned my focus back to the road. It was late at night, probably past ten. I wasn't going anywhere specific, I was just trying to clear my head and the best way to do that is to go on a late night drive while blasting the radio.

A new song started up and I recognized it as the Taylor Swift song, 'Invisible String'. Normally I would skip past Taylor Swift songs when she came on the radio. Now before you come at me, it's not that I don't like Taylor Swift. I just don't really listen to her kind of music. I always viewed her as just another pop singer. 

My finger was hovering over the skip button but for some reason I decided not to click it. I put my hand back on the wheel and continued driving as the song played.

'Time, mystical time'

'Cutting me open, then healing me fine'

'Were there clues I didn't see?'

'And isn't it just so pretty to think'

'All along there was some'

'Invisible String'

'Tying you to me?'

Now I realized why I couldn't skip the song. I've always felt this pull towards Harper, long before we even dated. I was always drawn to her back before she moved away. It's like she has a piece of my heart. No matter how hard I try I will always love her.

Damn, I should listen to Taylor Swift more.

I never realized how meaningful her songs were. When the song ended other songs came and went on the radio but none stuck with me the way that 'Invisible String' had. My drive that was meant to clear my head ended up doing just that, but not in the way I expected.

I expected this drive to help me get over Harper but it did the exact opposite. That song made me realize that Harper is my soulmate. There is no kicking her out of my heart because she has a piece of it. 

And I'm weirdly okay with it?

The sorrow that was left behind after our breakup started to fade away. Now that I had come to terms with what happened I could go back to hopefully being myself. I was now content with the fact that even though Harper and I may never get back together, I will always love her. She is my first love and if she doesn't become more than that then I can learn how to love other people while still loving her.


Harper POV:

Today was the day of the first spring soccer game. Colleges had a couple more weeks to send out scholarship offers before signing day where every recruit in the nation would announce their commitment.

Every recruit including me.

Every recruit including Riley.

I was nervous as fuck for that day. Now that me and Riley were over, I knew that I was going to UNC no matter what. Even if I still had feelings for her. Our relationship is over and I can't hold myself back for someone that I can't be with.

What I was mostly nervous for was Riley's commitment announcement. I had been sure that she would pick Notre Dame until that time I drove her home drunk. She never explained why she said that she wasn't going to Notre Dame and she certainty didn't say where she was going. I guess I would just have to wait like everyone else to find out. 

But it's not like I care where she's going. 

Okay that's a lie. I care with my whole heart. Even though we aren't together anymore I'm still hopelessly in love with her. I can't explain it but I feel this pull towards her. It doesn't matter how much she lied to me, or how much she hurt me, I am still head over heels in love with her.

And that's a problem.

But that's not a problem for right now. Currently my focus should be on the game. I parked my car at the stadium parking lot and grabbed my bag from the back seat before walking over to the field. We don't have practices for spring league so I don't know who from our original team was playing. I know for a fact Riley is playing, even if I desperately wished that she wasn't.

Or do I desperately hope that she is?

What the fuck is wrong with me lately? Anything to do with Riley and I suddenly have no control over my thoughts and feelings.

When I entered the stadium I saw a small group of girls off to our sideline. As I got closer I recognized Kylie, Grace, Lexi, and Riley.


She looked different. The girl who has looked like a broken shell of herself for the past few months suddenly looked okay? I stood there staring as she talked and laughed with our teammates. Her smile beaming brighter than it has in a long time.

She must've finally gotten over me.

My heart shattered a bit at that. Even though I was the one who ended our relationship, I still loved her. And the thought that she maybe didn't love me anymore hurt.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts before walking over to join my teammates. When I got closer, Lexi saw me and gave me a huge smile.

"Harper! I didn't know you were playing." she said excitedly before jumping up from the turf to give me a hug. I looked over her shoulder and locked eyes with Riley. Her smile faltered slightly but it quickly went back to normal and her change of emotions went unnoticed by everyone else. Not by me though, I knew her too well. When it came to soccer, Riley was very good at keeping her emotions in check and staying professional at game time.

Riley's dad was our coach for spring league since coach Lawson wasn't allowed to coach outside of the official fall season. He still came to every game though. He would stand at the fence surrounding the stadium with his Scranton Soccer hat on, just enjoying the game.

The ref then blew his whistle to call over captains. Riley and Kylie quickly got up from their stretches and jogged over.

If I said that I wasn't staring at Riley's ass as she jogged away, I would be lying.


Harper POV:

We easily won the game 4-0 with Riley, Kylie, Grace, and I all scoring a goal. It was no surprise to anyone that Riley assisted two of the other goals as well. As much as I wanted to be mad at her over our breakup, I couldn't deny her soccer skills.

After the game I walked off the field to see Riley talking to yet another scout. A small pang of sadness spread through me, remembering what happened the last time that Riley received a college offer.

As I walked over, their conversation wrapped up and the woman shook Riley's hand before walking away. At that moment, my curiosity got the better of me.

"What school gave you an offer now?" I asked as I came up beside Riley. She turned to look at me with a neutral expression on her face. "Oh um that was a scout from the University of Miami." Riley stated casually.

"That's cool. Congrats." I said before walking away. I could hear Riley mumble a thanks from behind me. 

Wow her college offers are just getting further and further away. Notre Dame is 12 hours away in one direction and UMiami is 12 hours in the other direction. 

I rubbed my hands over my eyes as I walked over to my car and got in. "I don't care where she goes to college." I said unconvincingly to myself.

Damn I really need to get better at lying.

Invisible String (w|w high school romance)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant