After Party

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Riley POV:

These after parties were always wild. Everyone was high off of the win, and sometimes other things. Josh and Drew went off to the living room to join in on the party games while I led Harper to the kitchen to grab drinks.

I reached into the cold cooler and pulled out a sprite for myself before turning back to Harper. "Would you like a drink?" I asked. She nodded. "I'll take a Dr Pepper."

I grabbed her drink for her before closing the cooler and hopping up onto the kitchen counter. I took a quick sip from the cool bubbly drink before leaning back on my hands. I turned my head up to the ceiling and closed my eyes, the post game exhaustion was slowly settling in.

When I opened my eyes, Harper was leaning back on the counter across from me, her eyes fixated on me. I took another sip of my sprite as I returned her gaze. She held her Dr pepper loosely in her hands but the can was still sealed shut.

We were the only people in the kitchen. The rest of the team was in the living room playing a variety of party games and likely getting wasted. As I continued silently looking into Harper's eyes, my exhaustion was forgotten.

"How did you do that?" She asked quietly. "Do what?" I responded confused. "I don't know what exactly but during that play when I looked at you I just knew what you were going to do." She responded.

I took another swig from my sprite before looking down at it in my hands. "I don't know." I said. I looked back up to see her looking down at her Dr Pepper. She had on blue acrylic nails and she was struggling to open the can.

I reach my hand out to her. "I got it." I said. She stood up from leaning on the counter and walked over to me before handing me the can. I opened it with a satisfying pop before handing it back to her.

When she got her drink back she stayed standing in front of me, now only a couple inches from where my legs dangled off the counter. Her eyes locked with mine as she took a sip from the can. "Thanks." She said. Her voice had a slight rasp from the soda fizz. My heart fluttered. She had the most beautiful voice I had ever heard.

I don't know if either of us were leaning forward, but it felt like our faces were slowly getting closer together. It's like my heart had this pull towards her and I couldn't stop it from getting closer.

She placed her Dr Pepper on the counter and rested her hands on either side of my legs. Her body slowly moved forward until she stood in the space between my legs, our faces inches apart.

Just when I thought we would kiss, I heard Josh's voice boom from the other room. "Hey Riley! Harper! Come join us for some games." You would've thought that Harper had gotten electrocuted with the way she swiftly jumped back. "L-let's go join them." She stammered before turning and walking away. I couldn't help the slight pang of disappointment resulting from the almost kiss.

I quickly hopped off the counter and trailed behind her. What just happened?

Harper POV:

What the fuck did I just do? When I heard Josh's voice from the other room, it was like the small bubble we were in popped. I quickly stammered a lame excuse before rushing off towards the living room, not even waiting to see if Riley was following me.

I can't believe I almost kissed her. And all she did was open my soda can for me? Jeez I really need higher standards.

If she was just a normal girl, I would've had no problem closing that last bit of space between us.

But that's just it. She's not a normal girl. She's the same girl I've been obsessed with for as long as I can remember. Now that we play for the same soccer team, it's even more complicated. I can't risk ruining our friendship. Not only that but just imagine the possible issues that could rise on the team from kissing my captain.

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