The Last Day of Summer

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Riley POV:

Today was the last day of summer. I flipped down the visor in my car and placed on a pair of sunglasses to block out the glare from the sunset. My hair was up in a messy bun with two small curls framing my face. Wind whipped around me as I drove my dads old 1969 baby blue Ford Bronco. All the doors were off, letting the breeze flow around me. The slight chill of fall was slowly making its presence known. Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey played quietly out of the car's stereo.

My car carefully bumped over the rough back roads on my way to Josh Ashton's lake house. Josh was one of the boys soccer captains and his family was very rich. They owned a lake house on lake Champlain, right next to the Canadian border. Every year he threw a huge party on the last day of summer. Almost everyone from school was invited. We would all drink around the bonfire and swim in the lake from the time the sun went down to when it rose the next morning. It was safe to say if somebody was late or absent the first day of school, it was likely because of Josh Ashton's party.

I knew that my whole team would be there, since the party had been the main topic of conversation the whole week at practice. Tryouts ended last week, and we had a few new additions to the team. I couldn't remember them all. I knew we had a sophomore and a junior who both played midfield as well as Harper as one of our new forwards. Our first game would be on Friday and our practices leading up to then would determine our starting lineups but as a captain, I already had a pretty good idea what our lineup would look like.

As much as I loved summer, fall was my favorite season. I had dedicated my whole life to soccer and I looked forward to the high school season every fall. I also played on our high schools spring and summer teams but it wasn't the same as the fall. There was something special about running around with the cool air tickling your throat. Leaves of every color slowly falling from the trees surrounding the soccer stadium. And nothing is better than playing a night game in that stadium as the sun sets around you.

The song slowly ended as I turned the car into the long driveway of the lake house. Many other cars were already parked here. As I pulled in, I could already see many of the soccer players on both the teams swimming in the lake. I parked the car and stuffed the keys into my pocket before grabbing my towel from the back and hopping out. While I wasn't excited in the slightest for school tomorrow, I could not wait for this party and I couldn't wait for our upcoming game.

Harper POV:

I sat on my bed mindlessly scrolling through my phone. Tomorrow was the first day of school, and I was dreading it. For some reason, I was extremely worried about coming back to my old town. I got along great with all of the soccer girls but I hadn't seen any of these people in four years. Trying to make friends again wasn't going to be easy.

At that moment my phone rang and Lexi's name popped up on my screen. So far Lexi was my closest friend on the team. We always partnered up for drills in practice and laughed over stupid things. I picked up the phone to hear my friend's excited voice on the other side. "Dude lets go. I'm outside your house." Confused, I got up and peeked through the blinds on my window. Sure enough, Lexi's grey chevy sedan was parked in the driveway. She looked up and saw me before honking the horn.

"Not that I don't like having you around but why are you here?" I asked. Over the phone I could hear her sigh. "We're going to Josh Ashton's party. Did you forget? That's all anyone has been talking about at practice." she stated. I rolled my eyes before closing the blinds and plopping back down onto the bed.

"Sorry no can do. I don't do parties." I responded. "Come on. The whole team will be there. It's going to be so fun. I promise if you hate it we can leave early." she said. I sat for a minute thinking about it before groaning. "Let me get changed and I'll be right down." I said as Lexi cheered over the phone.

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