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Riley POV:

I woke up to a kiss on the top of my head as Harper rubbed circles on my back. Keeping my eyes closed, I smiled and gently pulled myself closer to her. Last night was the first time I've slept well since I heard the news about my brother.

"Good morning beautiful." Harper said making my heart flutter.

I still refused to open my eyes as I hurried myself further into her embrace. "It's too early to get up." I grumbled causing her to giggle.

"Trust me if I could lay here with you forever I would, but we have school and a game today. Josh already barged in threatening to eat all the food if we don't come down for breakfast." She said. With that my eyes flew open and I flung up into a seated position. "Why didn't you tell me he was going to eat all the food sooner?!!" I yelped. Harper laughed as I quickly sprinted out the bedroom door.

When I realized she wasn't right behind me I huffed and stomped my way back to the room. She was standing there making the bed when I walked in. I quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her with me out of the room. She was about to protest when I said "Don't worry. Josh has a maid. She'll make the bed later." I said.

I walked hand in hand with Harper down the stairs. My small hand fit perfectly in hers. She unconsciously rubbed her thumb against the back of my hand, warming my heart. Holding someone's hand had never felt so right.

When we got downstairs Josh was already sitting at the kitchen table with a box of doughnuts in front of him. "There's a pot of coffee on the stove." he said with his mouth full. As I walked in front of him I quickly snatched the box of doughnuts with my free hand. He had already eaten four of the dozen doughnuts.

"Josh you already ate four doughnuts?!" I shrieked as Harper laughed. With his mouth still full he shrugged. 'I wasn't kidding when I said I'd eat them all." he deadpanned.

I took the box of doughnuts and lead Harper to the other side of the table where we sat down so Josh couldn't grab anymore of the doughnuts. When he saw what we were doing he rolled his eyes before turning his attention to his phone.

I was about to get up to grab myself some coffee when Harper gently grabbed my arm to stop me. "I'll get it." she said sweetly before kissing me on the cheek and walking off to get the coffee. When I turned my attention away from her I found Josh staring at me with a smile. He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I turned to make sure Harper wasn't looking before I flipped him off. "You're an ass." I said as he laughed.

When Harper returned to the table I thanked her for the coffee before we all turned our attention towards our food. We sat and ate our breakfast in a comfortable silence before Harper and I returned to our room to get dressed for school.

I grabbed myself a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie from the closet. When I turned around, Harper was just standing there awkwardly. 

"I didn't bring a change of clothes." she said shyly. "You can wear something of mine." I said with a smile. I reached back into the closet and grabbed the biggest pair of sweatpants and the largest hoodie I owned. Harper was much taller than me so I hoped that my clothes would fit her.

I tossed them over to her and she caught them effortlessly. "If those don't fit you I can go steal something from Josh for you to wear." I said to which Harper laughed. "These will fit, thank you." she replied before going to the bathroom to change. I quickly changed in the room while I waited for her to come back.

When she walked back into the room I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. She was wearing the most simple outfit but she looked so beautiful. 

"What?" Harper asked.

"Nothing. You just look really good in my clothes." I said causing her to blush.

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