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Harper POV:

We ended up winning the quarterfinals and as a result, coach gave us the rest of the week off from practice. I'm glad he did because all my focus was on homecoming anyways.

On Wednesday I went out dress shopping with Riley. I had picked out a tight fitting baby blue dress that conveniently matched Riley's bronco. Now that she had finished fixing it up, we decided that we would take her car to the dance.

Surprisingly, Riley took longer than me when it came to shopping. We bounced from store to store because she couldn't decide if she wanted a suit or a dress.

After several hours of just Riley shopping, she narrowed it down to two outfits. The first was a dress. It was the same color as mine and had a lace mesh wrapping around the stomach area. I secretly wanted her to wear that one so I could stare at her abs the whole time.

The second outfit was a white and baby blue women's fit suit. I can't lie, she looked jaw-dropping. The tight dress pants hugged her legs perfectly, showing off every curve. The blue suit jacket has a deep v-neck cut with a white lace shirt underneath that showed off more of Riley's boobs than it hid. Now I felt no better than a teenage boy because I wouldn't mind staring at Riley's boobs all night either.

"I can't decide." She pouted.

"You look breathtaking in both outfits babe. Pick whichever one feels more you."

She blushed slightly and whispered a quiet "Okay" before going back into the changing room. When she came back out she had one of the outfits in black dress bag. "Which one did you pick?" I asked. She looked at me with a smile. "The dress." I kissed her on the cheek before replying. "You're going to look beautiful."

"So are you." Riley replied.


Riley POV:

When Harper and I got home from dress shopping my dad had dinner ready on the table. Due to the cold weather lately, he decided to make chicken noodle soup. After we ate, I made hot chocolates for Harper and I before we sat down on the couch to watch a movie.

When we sat down she placed her arm around my shoulders and I snuggled up into her side with my arm draped over her stomach, playing with the hem of her shirt.

"What should we watch?" she asked as she grabbed the tv remote. "We should watch Crush, it's on hulu. It's a cute little lesbian romance movie. Not going to lie it is a bit corny but I love it." I rambled. She kissed me on the head before replying "Let's watch it."

When we got to the skateboarding scene Harper spoke. "You know, I've always wanted to learn how to skateboard." I quickly sat up with a huge smile on my face. "I can teach you." I said excitedly making Harper laugh. "Riley it's like forty degrees outside right now." she replied.

"So we'll bundle up."I said as I stood up. I held out my hands to her and she grabbed them so I could help her up off the couch. We both put on thick hoodies and jackets before I went over to the closet and grabbed my favorite beanie. Harper was looking around with a slight frown on her face.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked as I pulled her into me by her waist. "Nothing really. It's just most of my clothes and stuff is still at my parent's house and I didn't bring my hats." she replied. Without even thinking about it I took my favorite beanie from off my head and gently slid it onto her head.

"Hey you need that." she protested as she went to take it off. I quickly grabbed her hands to stop her. "Nope it's yours now." I said. "Plus it looks way better on you anyways." With that Harper blushed before giving me a sweet kiss. "Thank you beautiful." she replied, making me blush as well.

When we were all dressed, we walked outside to the garage so that I could grab my skateboard before going into the driveway. I placed the skateboard onto the pavement between me and Harper and held out my hands for her. She took hold of them as she carefully stepped onto the board. She wobbled a few times getting on but I helped her steady herself.

I taught her how to balance on the board and how to speed up. At one point she teetered backwards slightly and I quickly caught her to stop her from falling. "Omg I thought I was going to fall." she gasped with a laugh. "Don't worry, I won't let you fall." I replied.

After a couple of minutes of skating around, Harper got the hang of balancing and turning. "I want to try doing a trick." she said. "Alright I got one for you. Stand on the board and hold my hands." I said. "Hold your hand? You don't have to ask me twice." Harper said in a flirtatious tone and I rolled my eyes with a smile.

When her hands were in mine I looked up into her gorgeous eyes. "Okay on the count of three you're going to jump and I'm going to flip the board under you." I said. Harper nodded, trusting me completely.

"One, two, three!"

The first couple of times, Harper slipped off the board and I quickly caught her so she wouldn't fall on the pavement. After a couple of minutes, she started comfortable landing with one foot on and one foot off the board.

"Okay you got this. Just focus on planting both your feet above the trucks of the board." I said. Harper nodded before getting into a ready position. "One, two three!." we said in unison. When she jumped I quickly flicked my foot underneath the board to flip it. This time Harper landed flawlessly on the board.

"I did it!" she shrieked with excitement as she threw her arms up in the air. I laughed as she got off the board and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me close. She leaned down, placing a kiss on my lips before pulling back and resting her forehead on mine. "Thank you. I've always wanted to do that." she whispered.

I looked up and stared into her gorgeous blue eyes. How did I get so lucky? "Anything for you beautiful." I replied.


Sorry I know this isn't much of an update. I decided to just add a filler chapter in because I was snowboarding in Vermont all day so I didn't have much time for writing. I promise another, longer update is coming soon. Also I highly recommend that you watch the movie mentioned in this chapter. It's one of few lesbian movies I know of and it's actually a really cute movie. Thank you all for reading and don't forget to vote so that I know you are enjoying the story.

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