The Force Called Lift

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A week Later...

Riley POV:

"RISE AND SHINE! TODAY IS THE DAY!" My dad screamed as he barged into my room. "Dad get out." I groaned. "Seriously my alarm hasn't even gone off yet." I said as I checked the time. Thank god that me and Harper hadn't done anything last night because my dad was giving us no privacy right now.

Next to me Harper groaned and rolled over before covering her ears with a pillow. "It's too early." She mumbled from under the pillow.

"Absolutely not. Today is a big day for both of you. It's time to get up and get ready." My dad stated. "Okay okay we're getting up." I groaned. My dad looked at me with a skeptical look. I rolled my eyes at him as I stood up from the bed and held my arms out. "See." I stated making him laugh.

"Alright now get your girlfriend up." He said with a smirk before turning and leaving the room. I turned my attention to Harper. She was still laying in the bed with the pillow over her head. I gently pulled it away from her and tossed it aside. "Come on beautiful, time to get up." I said. Harper just groaned in response. I leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips before pulling back.

"Hey get back here." Harper whined which made me laugh. "Get up and you get more kisses." I said. With that Harper jumped out of the bed. "I would've gotten up sooner if you said that from the start!" Harper said making me laugh. She didn't waste a second before wrapping her arms around my waist and bending down to give me a kiss.

"Come on lets go eat breakfast." She said as she took my hand. We walked down the stairs hand in hand to see that my dad had eggs and bacon ready and already on the table. The coffee was already brewed and orange juice was on the counter. We joined my dad at the table to eat our breakfast.

"I can't believe that it's almost time for you to go off to college. My baby's growing up." My dad said with watery eyes. "Oh dad stop it." I said making Harper laugh. "I'm just so proud of you, of both of you." He said.

"Thank you Mr. Sader." Harper said which made him laugh.

"Harper you know me well enough to not have to call me mister. You might as well just start calling me dad at this point because we already know that you two are getting married some day." My dad started ranting. I quickly buried my face in my hands before plopping it down on the table. "Dad stoppppp, your embarrassing me!" I shrieked as a warm blush spread across my face.

Beside me Harper just laughed as she rubbed a hand up and down my back. "That's the plan." Harper replied before leaning over and kissing the top of my head. I then uncovered my face from my hands and turned my attention back to my breakfast.

After breakfast we brushed our teeth and loaded our suitcases into the car before driving to the airport. We would be staying down in North Carolina for three days. The first day would be a campus tour and the second day would be meeting the team. We would get to tour all the athletic facilities as well as practice with the team. I unfortunately am not cleared to fully play yet because my arm still has another five weeks of healing to do. I already spoke with the coach about coming down again after I'm healed so that I can have a full practice with the team.

Of course since it is North Carolina, day three would be spent at the beach before heading home. When we got to the airport my dad walked us all the way to security before giving us both a hug. "Have fun on your trip girls. Stay safe and call me if you need anything." He said as he pulled back from our hug. "We will dad thank you." I replied.

After he walked away I pulled my ticket out of my pocket and handed it over to the lady at the security desk. "Name and date of birth?" She asked as she held the ticket. "Riley Sader. Birthday is September 8th 2006." I replied. She nodded before scanning my ticket. "May I see you're ID please?" She asked. I quickly fished it out of my pocket and handed it over to her. She examined it, looking between me and the picture on it before handing it back. "You're all set hun. Next?" she said.

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