Stevie can see all the emotions on his face and in his eyes. She can see how he starts to realize that he really did save a life today. That he and Seb are the only reason her dad is still here right now.
She can hear his breathing starting to shake a bit, it gets shallower as the emotions take over.

The tears that have been building up now start to run down his bearded cheeks. His bottom lip trembles and his Adam's apple bobs in his throat as he swallows.

"Oh Daniel." With her arms wide open she steps towards him and he almost falls into her embrace.
As soon as their bodies touch he can't hold back anymore and starts to sob uncontrollably.
He has been so strong the entire time and now he can't anymore.

Stevie manoeuvres them to the couch without letting go of the man she loves more than she could ever imagine loving anybody ever again.
She sits down, pulling him on the couch with her.
She tries to hold him as tight as she can, his head resting against her chest and her hand is stroking his curly hair as she would with one of her kids as well.

Her heart breaks when she hears his sobs, but she couldn't be more proud of him. She doubts she could love him more than she does right now. Not because he saved her father, but because he is showing her he can be vulnerable too.

Daniel is always so strong, trying to create light and comfort whenever she is having a hard time. He is always there to help her, to console her and to make her feel good.
Now she can finally do that for him as well. He doesn't always have to be strong. Today was traumatic for everyone involved, but for him and Seb it may have been even more traumatic.

After all they were literally the reason Peter still had blood flowing through his body, they were the reason there was air going into his lungs. They took on a huge responsibility when they started CPR, knowing very well things could just as easy end up in Peter not making it.

Stevie knows that both Seb and Daniel would have blamed themselves if Peter hadn't made it. Thank god that is not the case, because she doesn't know if Daniel would have been able to forgive himself even though it wouldn't be his fault.

She holds his strong body against hers, letting him cry out, releasing all the tension, fear and stress that he has kept inside him so he could be there for her.

"I am so proud of you. What you did today was incredible and I hope you are proud of yourself, because you were amazing today."
As Daniel cries and lets out his tension, she keeps telling him how impressed she is with him, how much she loves him and how lucky she is to have him in her life.

Finally Daniel is able to calm down and he sits back up wiping his face.
"I am so sorry about this. I feel like a wimp bawling my eyes out like this."
"Stop! Don't say that. You are not a wimp, you are a man with a heart, with feelings. Today was crazy and I'm glad you let it out and let me be here for you for once. You are always there for me as you were today, it's ok to break sometimes. Especially after today. I love you so, so much."

She holds his face between her hands, making sure he looks into her eyes so he can see she is not just saying things to make him feel better. She is saying it because it's true and she meant every single word.

"The entire time I was doing those chest compressions I was thinking about how it would destroy you and your mom if he didn't make it. If I fucked up and he would die, it would feel like it was my fault." He admits.
"Oh my sweet man, I would never have blamed you. You did more than I did. I just froze and panicked. You didn't even hesitate before jumping into action. Please just be proud of what you did and don't go thinking about what ifs."

She gives him feather light kisses on his cheeks, kissing away his tears. Her lips move over his face until she reaches his mouth where hers connect with his. She can taste the saltiness of his tears and in the distance she still tastes the chocolate they both ate so much of tonight.

Shape of you (Daniel Ricciardo)Where stories live. Discover now