Jeongcheol 15

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"Yes I can't." Jeonghan knew he was going on the wrong side of the road and it will indeed make him inferior to everyone others. He was always like this, bullied for his pretty looks when boys were supposed to be handsome. Not able to scream when others were shouting and yelling their hearts out. He was always the one left out, and in many ways, these things happened so frequently that they stopped bothering Jeonghan at one instance.

So when Coups raised his brows in question, he added almost shamelessly, "My body is not designed to yell. I can't even if I want to, if I even tried, my vocal cords might rip off but I won't be able to scream like you all."

"It's a plus point." Mingyu immediately beamed in happiness, "Imagine you both get into argument where Coups Hyung will be yelling and you'd be like 'i will kill you' with softest voice on the earth." He himself laughed at his own made up stories, "A scene i would pay thousands to watch live."

"You should have thousands in your pockets to pay for that."

Coups stated simply, walking out while holding Jeonghan by his wrist whilst Mingyu followed them from behind, whining, "Did you just called me broke?"

"I did not say that."

"Hyung!" Mingyu whined again, standing in front to block Coups's path, "Watch me follow you around after getting out of here. You'll be the one feeding me and when you'll go broke, I'll laugh at you."

Jeonghan stared at his wrist when Scoups and Mingyu bickered for a while. in between all those people walking out and in from the cafeteria, Coups still had this prominent grip on Jeonghan's wrist that made him almost immovable. He stared at his fingers wrapped around his skin for a while but when the hands slipped, Jeonghan's breath hitched all of sudden.

The warmth of Coups's hands on his skin was gone.

For what typical reason, he felt like whining, not until when Coups looked at him, "The dishes are in our responsibility today."

Jeonghan blinked in confusion, and then Coups realised Jeonghan was never introduced with the rules. The guard that brought him in here had slided that work on Coups so the confusion on Jeonghan's face did started making sense.

When they set their plates full of food on the table, Jeonghan sitting beside Coups while Mingyu in front, Coups calmly stated, "In every man around here, the work to do dishes everyday is divided. It works in set of four people, and for today, since I and you are cell mates and Mingyu had refused to work with someone else, it's our turn to do the dishes."

"The fourth person then?" Jeonghan asked feeling curious, "Do we know who is he?"

"Why?" Coups's brows were frowned, "You still scared that someone will grab your ass."

Jeonghan wanted to roll his eyes and rip that nasty smirk present on Coups's face but he decided otherwise. He infact did chose non violence method by looking at his food and digging in it, "Not actually."

"You shouldn't be scared. Your ass protector is here already, what's there to be afraid about."

And Jeonghan indeed had chocked on his food when he looked over laughing Mingyu and glaring Coups after hearing the statement. 'ass protector' had been a serious nickname Mingyu had crowned Coups with, and Coups, funny to say, had always tried to disown Mingyu everytime the taller used it.

But it was lowkey true as well, if Coups was there, no way in hell anyone was going to do something as to touch him or even think of doing so.

The bickering went on for quite a while, atleast till the good time where Jeonghan and Coups, both had finished their food in the plate.
As Jeonghan watched Coups smacking Mingyu's head before standing up and taking his plate to keep it for washing,  he ended up following him closely, atleast close enough for Mingyu to chuckle at him before following them from behind.

After about half an hour, the three of them stood in front of dishwasher, hands covered in gloves as Coups looked back at Jeonghan, "Have you ever washed dishes?"

Jeonghan thought for a moment before answering, "A long time ago, maybe when I was a teenager."

"Thank God there is something you know." Mingyu taunted before turning to grab one of the plates, "Let's get it done guys, I miss my sleep."

The moment they grabbed onto their plates to wash them together, a man by now had slipped inside the dishwashing area. And when the group of three looked over at him, he sighed, "They told me it was my turn."

It was Wonwoo, and after being stared at for a while, the man had watched the three men going back to whatever they were doing. Wonwoo by now had settled himself beside Mingyu, taking the plates out and washing them.

The series created was simply, Wonwoo would take out the plates and remove the remaining food in dustbin. Mingyu would take the plate from him and wash it from water before handing it to Jeonghan, Jeonghan would scrub them with soap and then Coups would wash them with water again. Their chain of work was smooth like this, that was the reason they were divided in four set of groups.

Since they were being silent for quite a while, Coups had asked something to Jeonghan, "What were you used to do before coming here?"

Jeonghan did not reply, instead he just scrubbed his plate harder, "You won't tell me about you, i won't tell you about me."


Having nothing to argue with, Coups went back to doing what he was supposed to. He was taken aback, never in his dream had he thought Jeonghan would pull the same trick he had be pulling on people for a while. He did not ask any further but Mingyu did, "Tell me then. You can ask me anything about what I was doing, i won't mind."

The plate in Wonwoo's hand fell on the ground with a loud thud, causing the three to flinch. But when they  looked over Wonwoo, not a single muscle of his twitched to show he very much felt anything as like guilty about it.

He instead, shrugged his shoulders, "It slipped."

The way he said, Jeonghan knew it didn't fall by mistake but since Mingyu and Coups had chose to say nothing about it, he also decided to turn blind and focus on his work. After quite a while, Coups looked over at Wonwoo, "You helped"

Before he could add something, Wonwoo cut him off, "Forget about it like it never happened."

But Mingyu was resistive about that idea, "There must be something you want otherwise, Jeon Wonwoo don't help anyone without a reason."

"I said forget about it." Wonwoo stated, tone being carefully in control when he looked over Mingyu, speaking again, "Also if Jeon Wonwoo wanted something, there is no way anyone will stop him from having it so just forget about it."

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