Jeongcheol 20

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And from next day, Mingyu followed Seungcheol like a puppy, a puppy who had no sense of direction and would go around looking for Seungcheol even when he was purposely avoiding him in all forms.

In the beginning of the day, the first time they met was when Seungcheol stepped out from his cell in early morning and found Mingyu standing in front, waving his hands slightly with a bright grin on his face. The urge to turn his heels and go back in his space increased inside Coups the moment his eyes fell on him. He never knew a tall man with a clingy personality will be something he would be hating out of all things he thought of hating when he came here.

As expected, even when Coups ignored him and made his way towards where everyone was going, Mingyu still followed him from behind, quickly catching up with Seungcheol and speaking the next second, "Do you even know where they are going? Or just blindly following them huh?"

The statement made Coups roll his eyes for God knew what reason. He did not reply, instead his silence made Mingyu more bold, atleast bold enough to reply to his own question without any single awkwardness on his face, "They are going for breakfast. After that, roll call, then in afternoon, lunch, then at night, dinner and everyone will go to sleep, at the same time. Also, so you know every Saturday these all people play different games? I like to participate in them sometimes, what about you?"

Though they kept walking and now were currently standing in line, with Mingyu standing behind Coups and waiting for the answer while everyone stealing few glances of the older once in a while due to the yesterday's accident spread evenly among them, Coups found himself sighing, replying to Mingyu while looking back, "I don't."

Mingyu made a face full of disagreement and dismay and Coups wondered what could really be so wrong with a man who is almost taller than most of them that it made him pout. He just stared at the taller as if he was the eighth wonder of the world for him and to be honest, the way Mingyu smiled again the next moment, Coups knew he was dealing with a strange one this time, "Alright. But you can come watch me play, you'll like it for sure."

"Do i look like your boyfriend that I'll enjoy watching you play?" Coups couldn't help but deadpan, and Mingyu had blinked in confusion for few solid minutes until he realised, "Not like that! I meant- nevermind. Thanks for rejecting the offer."

Mingyu was certainly sure he said it in a sarcastic way but the second Seungcheol smiled so curtly at him while saying "Welcome", he did not know where he went wrong. After filling his plate with food, Coups disappeared in the crowd, making himself unable to be located by Mingyu and the taller had to sit alone to have his food, like always.

When the same routine followed for the lunch and dinner of the same day, eventually catching up with the breakfast and lunch of the next day, Seungcheol finally banged his head on the table the second he realised Mingyu had located him again the moment he sat down in front of him, smiling brightly since he knew he had annoyed Seungcheol enough for the day.

Seungcheol did not look up, and when his forehead kept its touch with the table, Mingyu chuckled, "Was i not welcomed?"

"Did I ever say you were?" Coups replied, not even bothering to look at Mingyu.


Seungcheol arched his face forward, surprise totally written on his face, "Hyung?! Who told you can call me that?!"

Mingyu shrugged his shoulders as he dug in his food, munching and replying at the same time, "I read your file back there in office. You were older than me, so why can't I just call you Hyung?"

Seungcheol pointed his chopsticks at the man in front, briefly offended, "Listen here you little piece of shit! I am not your Hyung. You can't follow me around like a puppy. It makes me sick and if you think I care, remember, You'll be dieing in front of me and that will be none of my concern so just fuck off!"

Seungcheol was sure he had spoken the words harshly, and had made sure there was no hint of any emotion that make Mingyu think that he was joking but strangely enough, Mingyu did not need encouragement. It was sure the way he looked at Seungcheol and dropped his chopsticks in corner of the plate, "We can be friends, can't we?"

"No, we can't!" Seungcheol deadpanned again.

"Why? You saved me just a day before yesterday, i thought we were friends."

There was a frown on Mingyu's face, the narrowing of brows showing that he was very offended, even more than Seungcheol. It made the older sigh in disbelief and roll his eyes for the second time of the day, begging the next second, "Spare me please! I have no energy to be your friend, now or ever! I have gotten few years to be here and let me spend my time in peace. Please!"

It was Mingyu who pleaded harder, "Hyung! I swear I won't annoy you. I'll behave. On the top of that, I'll do whatever you say, every work you'll command, so just keep me with you. Keep me as your left hand, right hand, or the smallest toe of the feet you dislike. I don't care, let me be with you!"


Seungcheol blinked in utter disbelief, "Are you nuts?! Do you even know what you are talking about? Do you even know who am I? What I did to be here? Why would you even want to be with me without any knowledge about me?!"

Mingyu's was certainly very sure of what he wanted, Seungcheol realised it the moment he heard him speak again, "I maybe don't know who you are but you aren't definitely half bad than all of the people here. These people, they are bunch of pricks, selfish and pathetic. I hate them, all of them but Hyung, you are cool, maybe you did something bad enough to be here but didn't all of us did something? And since you are cool, i want to be with you."

Seungcheol was taken aback, "What are you, a toddler? That you keep getting attracted by cool things?"

"Does that matter?" Mingyu enquired, "I promise to not be bothersome to you, isn't that enough?"

The deal itself looks like something very bothersome to Seungcheol, in every form. Having someone by your side was tiring, atleast that's what Seungcheol had the impression of right hands of the leader of his gang. Before being caught and coming here, Seungcheol was under an illigal group of men who used to call themselves as gang. Seungcheol had thought that it was rubbish, and 'gang' word was too cocky to him. But even after spending few precious months of his life with them, Seungcheol did not found himself as someone who was fit to be there.

The typical cocky 'gang' Seungcheol was in had a leader too, and leader's right hand, which now what Mingyu wanted to be of Seungcheol. When the older came here, the first thought he carried with himself was the fact that he was free, that after going out from here, he would not look back at those bullshitters. He hated being told what to do, where to be and when to restrict himself, but he also couldn't leave the group all of sudden like that. He had endured months with them, being their puppet and what not. And since he was finally free, he took his oath to never go back to somewhere as stupid as that.

But right now with Mingyu in front of him, asking him to take him inside his shadow, Seungcheol could see his freedom being subsided. He was never the one to take responsibilities, he was a lost wind, something that has no home, no people and no future that promises him something. He didn't even know how does it feels to have someone around you all the time and Mingyu indeed had made him realise it was annoying to have someone around you in just two days.

Speaking of Mingyu, Seungcheol had seen a figure walking from the corner, from back for Mingyu's head that it made him chuckle all of sudden, "You said you hated everyone here, does 'everyone' includes him too?"

At the pointed direction, when Mingyu turned his head, he found Wonwoo sitting in corner with food on his plate, eating silently.

He looked back at Seungcheol, "He is the reason I hate all of them."

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