Jeongcheol 10

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Jeonghan though thought why Mingyu decided volunteer him without even asking, his question faded instantly the moment he kept his foot on the fifth floor of the building.

Since it's just been two days of Jeonghan being here, he wasn't still briefly introduced to things around him but even after that, he had the fair knowledge of the fifth floor being empty. He knew it mainly because how the prisoners around here were stuck with the four floor provided, fifth being out of question from the very first day.

The stairs leading to fifth floor were not maintained from ages, even having much bad condition from the stairs that go down to cafeteria. The walls around had same monotonous while and grey combination while the area echoed with every single foot step kept on the ground.

Jeonghan did not had any guts to ask Mingyu were he was leading him to but since the place was quite as hell, he couldn't help but walk as silently as he could, managing to make as lesser sound as possible.

When the stairs finally ended, Mingyu looked back at him, his tone being indifferent from before, "You have full fifteen minutes, no one is here. As the lunch time of guards will be over, they'll come back in here."

Jeonghan looked around, traces of fear totally visible on his face, "Is"

Mingyu sighed. Though it felt like he had something very harsh in his mind to speak at that time but eventually he decided against it. He pointed at the row of cells in front, "He is in the last one. Rather than asking stupid questions, you better hurry up."

Jeonghan nodded and took a step forward in the direction he was pointed to. But the moment he took full few steps, standing against first cell, his courage gave up.

The cells were filled with darkness, and since it was already night time, the small holes to let out the sunlight weren't of much help at all. The way to the last cell made nothing visible to Jeonghan's eyes and watching him hesitate made Mingyu lose his patience bit by bit.

When he did not walk, neither in front nor in back, Mingyu stepped forward, finally deciding to lead him as he passed by Jeonghan's side without hesitation, "Follow me."

And Jeonghan did, with much hesitation and fear filled in his eyes. He was flabbergasted. How can someone even be so unbothered to walk around here, let alone spend a whole night at something as horrendous as this?

How will even Coups manage to be here all by himself?!

Suddenly, Mingyu stopped him in his track the moment they were about two foots away from entering Coups's cell's periphery. Mingyu though did not say anything but the way he looked at Jeonghan, it was clear that he wanted Jeonghan to stay where he was without saying a single words.

Jeonghan had no intention of going against the taller since the taller had already walked away and now stood in front of the metal bars, sarcastically smiling at the man inside, greeting him to grab his attention, "What's up ass protector?!"

Jeonghan heard a deep sigh coming from the man kept in. There was a rustling noise of him getting up and walking at front as he said, "Haven't you nagged at me enough that you are again here for absolutely no good?"
The older now stood in front of the metal bars, "Go away! I have no wish to see your face now! Go!"

Coups's attempt to slap Mingyu's cheeks from inside was failed the moment the taller backed off from the front of metal bar seperating the both, "I thought you liked it here. Back in cafeteria you seemed desperate to be here as well, what happened now?"

Mingyu's tone was full of mockery, so much that Coups ended up shouting, "Guards! Security! This man came here without permission! Is anyone there?! Take him and throw him out!!"

"No one is here." Mingyu sighed, feeling disinterest in the way Coups stopped shouting and looked back at the taller, "What would you take to get out from here?"

"Be happy you get to see some human in here! And be greatful to me that I still haven't abandoned you!"

"Fuck off please." Even though the area was filled with darkness, Jeonghan knew under the bright light of full moon passing from the small windows, Coups was glaring at the taller, "My ears will bleed if I heard anything from your mouth. Get out and come back tomorrow."

"For what?" Mingyu asked, glaring him back, "To see you transferring from here?"

"He is transferring?"


It was late but Jeonghan indeed realised he had meddled in between the conversation and now the two men looked at him surprised, Coups being the one whose eyes felt like would come out of their socket the moment his eyes fell on Jeonghan standing in corner.

He looked back at Mingyu, voice harsher than the tone he used to curse at the taller, "What the fuck he is doing here?!"

Mingyu shrugged, dragging Jeonghan in front, "He was searching you on whole floor. He asked me, i brought him to you."

"Are you crazy?!" There came a fully annoyed voice of Coups, "What if anyone see him, or worst you both? You'll run away, i know but this fucker will fall flat on his face! Why would you-"

Mingyu meddled, "Not my fault. He asked me, i bought him. Atleast he needs to see his ass protector for the last time before he is finally sent away from here."

Seungcheol scrunched his nose in disgust at the repetition of the nickname, "Didn't i told you not to call me that-"

"For real?" In amidst of the darkness, Seungcheol saw Jeonghan's figure slowly appearing in front of his eyes, "Are they sending you away for real?"

There was a hint of worry in Jeonghan's eyes, something Seungcheol haven't seen for him by anyone from ages. When Jeonghan's brows were frowned, bright light of full moon was falling on his face, hair shining lightly under the moonlight while his skin glowed against it.

Jeonghan indeed was beautiful, there was no question in that. Coups though was aware of his raising heartbeat while watching Jeonghan's face under the moonlight, his mind also alarmed of the weird reaction his body was making and Coups knew he shouldn't be staring at Jeonghan like that.

So he immediately looked away even before he was reminded of doing so. He turned back and leaned it against the metal bars as he said, "Take him away Mingyu."

The words held no hint of threat but Jeonghan indeed felt like Mingyu would drag him back even when the taller still haven't moved a single muscle. He repeated the question again, this time more desperately, "It's not even your fault! Why are they moving you out?!"

"Because he is a dick!"

There came an alarming voice of Coups, "Mingyu."

Mingyu sighed in annoyance, folding his arms on his chest as he said, "Then why not tell him what is going to happen with you from tomorrow?"

When Coups didn't say anything for full few minutes, Jeonghan felt his stomach flipping inside his body. He poked Seungcheol's back from his finger, asking again, "What happened? Tell me please? Is something bad going to happen tomorrow? Why is Mingyu-"

Coups did not turn back, instead he ordered Mingyu facing his back, "Take him out Mingyu before my patience ends."

When Jeonghan knew Coups will not tell him anything, he turned to Mingyu, "What is happening Mingyu? Atleast you tell me something!"

"You should me happy." Mingyu's tone was full of sarcasm, "He had inquiry going on his head. There are people coming to inspect the matter and he'll probably be found guilty. His reputation will also work as a cherry on top and he'll most certainly be transferred to a more secluded prison. Good for you, your owner is going now."

Jeonghan did not know what he was supposed to say at the moment. Mingyu looked frustrated, Coups was most surprisingly silent about the matter while he himself was feeling turmoiled.

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